I believe Sheridan had the moral authority to initiate a campaign to remove Clark, but recently as I watched “No Surrender, No Retreat” I wondered about Sheridan’s legal authority to involve the Rangers and the White Star fleet in that campaign. JMS never introduces this angle as an issue, but it could have been a political bomb that would have taken the story in a very different direction if it had been explored. At this point in the B5 saga the Anla’shok is still a Minbari military organization under the command of Delenn. It does not become an independent force until the creation of the Interstellar Alliance. Delenn had shared authority of the Rangers assigned in the B5 area with Sheridan in “The Long Twilight Struggle,” and apparently in the Shadow War Sheridan exercised co-equal authority with Delenn over all the Rangers. However, that didn’t mean that he had the legal authority to use the Minbari White Star fleet with Minbari crewmen, as well as humans, to start a war with Clark. Sheridan appropriated Minbari resources without a vote of the newly formed worker-dominated Grey Council, which probably would have turned down any such request. Sheridan also broke his promise to Londo and G’Kar that the Rangers wouldn’t become directly involved in wars. Sheridan claimed that he wanted a “clean fight,” but he clearly used a very loose definition. Moreover, without a supporting resolution from the Grey Council how does Sheridan explain to grieving Minbari families that he was justified in sending their sons and daughters to die in a civil war between humans?