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do you believe this ?? lol


a nother board i go to had a debate on weather the warlock would beat the vcd .... there was a few EA/warlock fanatics, there "explinations" were soo far out there ... "shakes head"

G'kar " No dictator no invader can hold an imprissioned population by force of arms .forever.. there is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom...against that power goverments and tirants and armies Cannot stand... The centuri learned this lession once ... We will teach it to them again... though it take a thousand years... We will be Free!"
I did chance upon another site somewhere where the Whitestar narrowly took out the Defiant.

As far as I can gather it's based on votes, then they script the "deathmatch". The Whitestar came out 10 votes ahead and so vaporised the Defiant. the Whitestar was prety banged up though.

If you ask me, with the Whitestar's accurate jump point targetting, they should have opened up a jump point with it's epicentre on the Defiant's fusion reactor, shields or no shields that tactic would have ended it flawlessly.

Probably the best way would be to play cat and mouse. Let the pursuing ship chase you... let it get confident. Return fire every so often so as not to make it look too suspicious, then, when the attacking ship is following on a relatively straight course, use it's distance from the Whitestar and the calculated velocity of opponent to open the jump point in a really nasty position to the aft of your own vessel.


Then, bank sharply at high speed to double back and go through your own jump point. Clean getaway, nobody would be able to trace you. you are using a totally different transport mechanism so there are no plasma trails or warp signatures to tie you to the event. All there is evidence of weapons fire from a disappeared ship, and an intense energy spike.

Of course this tactic would only really work on a jump point for each enemy basis, with carefully planned hit and run raids, so that proper analysis of what a jump point actually is could not be undertaken.

Of course this is a pointless discussion, two isolated universes. I am merely commenting on a more accurate representation of what someone has actually transcribed.

Back when I was a kid in Sunday School, Father Minkowski once said: "Given the crucifixion was a terrible thing for anyone to endure, if you could go back in time 2200 years, would you prevent the crucifixion of Christ?" Well after a heated debate, we all agreed the answer was no. The crucifixion was necessary to redeem the world. - Lt. John Matheson "The Needs of Earth"

"We live for the One. We die for the One!"
Look can I at least have the manouever named after me or something, a medal would be nice. I thought it was a neat little tactical suggestion.

Back when I was a kid in Sunday School, Father Minkowski once said: "Given the crucifixion was a terrible thing for anyone to endure, if you could go back in time 2200 years, would you prevent the crucifixion of Christ?" Well after a heated debate, we all agreed the answer was no. The crucifixion was necessary to redeem the world. - Lt. John Matheson "The Needs of Earth"

"We live for the One. We die for the One!"
People like that are the reason I don't exactly advertise that I like scifi and was very reluctant to join a board. These are the people who need to go outside.

"I used to be known as Eric, the waiter with hands for hands." The waiter with stubs for hands in The Kids in the Hall
I actually don't think a Warlock could toast a VCD, unless the skipper was using vastly superior tactics and a lot of luck.

I honestly don't think it matters in the long scheme of things. Does it really matter who has the best war machine?

When I was a kid, the same argument was going on in our playground over Airwolf and Blue Thunder.

Most of us agreed Airwolf would come out on top hands down, but we all watched both shows.

Back when I was a kid in Sunday School, Father Minkowski once said: "Given the crucifixion was a terrible thing for anyone to endure, if you could go back in time 2200 years, would you prevent the crucifixion of Christ?" Well after a heated debate, we all agreed the answer was no. The crucifixion was necessary to redeem the world. - Lt. John Matheson "The Needs of Earth"

"We live for the One. We die for the One!"