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Do you miss those Rangers ladies?

I think that female Rangers can kick butt with the best of 'em!

Dulann: You don't solve your problems by hitting them.
David Martel: Yeah, well, it made me feel better.
Oh, okay, pardon me!

Dulann: You don't solve your problems by hitting them.
David Martel: Yeah, well, it made me feel better.
Absolutely! There's nothing better than a female ranger. Kicking butt and looking good all at the same time.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nolesrule:
Absolutely! There's nothing better than a female ranger. Kicking butt and looking good all at the same time.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The Sarah Connor syndrome

"You are all in violation of security ordinance 22V3A. That means get the hell out of here!
- Zack

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