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doctor who on sci fi

After watching the ww2 episodes the first time (excellent incidentally, best of series) I went to the supermarket to buy dinner. Some little kid stood right behind me and managed to scare me shitless by saying 'mummy' in a certain tone of voice.
Yesterday they showed the episode the "Long Game". On my feed of Sci-Fi, at least, an interesting little mistake was made during the commercials.

Most of you probably don't see the previews, since you skip the commercials, but about 17 minutes into the episode they ran a preview of Dr. Who.

The trouble is: the preview was for the episode we were already watching. :LOL:

As far as season 1 goes, I am quite pleased with it. I'm an old Dr. Who fan, though. :)
Yesterday they showed the episode the "Long Game". On my feed of Sci-Fi, at least, an interesting little mistake was made during the commercials.

Most of you probably don't see the previews, since you skip the commercials, but about 17 minutes into the episode they ran a preview of Dr. Who.

The trouble is: the preview was for the episode we were already watching. :LOL:

As far as season 1 goes, I am quite pleased with it. I'm an old Dr. Who fan, though. :)

Hyp, if you mean Friday night, that's because they replay it later after the repeat of SG: Atlantis, and the replay of the SG1, that was on before Dr. Who (Somewhere around midnite or 1am.
So they show you a clip that you've just seen within the last like 10 minutes to advertise that they are reshowing the episode later that night?


O.K. I'll buy it. :LOL: ;)

It just seemed quite odd to me. Later we got a preview of next week's episode, so I thought it was a mistake.

Thanks for the explanation. :)
Interesting timing that they showed the second of that two-part episode right before our Mother's Day. :LOL:

Happy Mother's Day to you mothers out there in the USA. :cool:
Just watched the latest episode,another double header with another old enemy.Well worth watching :D

Hi Crazyhorse, were you posting from the UK or USA? They are showing different seasons.

If it was the UK the Cybermen were marching again. I liked the return of the airships.

p.s. Spelling corrected
Yea, the US had an old enemy, but, it was an enemy from Season 1 of Christopher Eccelstone (The Farting villians from the Slitheen family)
Just watched the latest episode,another double header with another old enemy.Well worth watching :D

Hi Crazyhorse, were you posting from the UK or USA? They are showing different seasons.

If it was the UK the Cybermen were marching again. I liked the return of the airships.

p.s. Selling corrected
Was watching on the BBC in Holland,part 2 of the cybermen story.Wasn't gold supposed to kill them in the old days :LOL: