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Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead

The proposed title of the next one makes me wonder if we are going to see the return of another classic villain.
I've seen rumours that we are, indeed. It's been a while since their last appearance... if it's true, I do wonder what sort of look upgrade they're going to get!
A solid episode Plenty of foreshadowing here...

Spoiler for Foreshadowing spoilers:
UNIT personnel talking about wanting to meet the Doctor but knowing what that day will bring.

I don't think we've seen the last of the two new unit recruits.

Your song is ending (again).

It is coming *back* from the dark. So this is a foe or an object from the Doctor's past... that will feature prominently in the final run. Could be many things... "Satan", or something from the rift... heck it could be Gallifrey.

"He will knock four times". *GULP* sounds very ominous. A lot of people will be speculating that this means the Master... but again vague enough to be anything. Kind of reminds me of Sheridan's first Kosh induced dream.

The cloister bell in the trailer heralding the next special.

I thought Lee Evans was hilarious... and the Doctor's totally irreverent use of Aethelstan's Cup to get out of a scrape was wonderful.

Onwards to Mars.
Two possibilities come to mind, Maybe The Axonites are comming back to settles a score with the Doctor or Maybe its the Silurians or Sea Devils, I would say both of them have scores to settel with the Doctor.:)
I think "he" will be the Master - again. Which is a lot less scary than the foreshadowing was. :D

Quite liked this one - nice surprise after the utterly rubbish Christmas special. The ZOMG-fuckup of the Dubai port authorities (damaging the bus when unloading it) fit the script perfectly.
Perhaps it is worse than any of you have yet imagined.

A "foe" so devastating and sickening that the audience will scream at the very sight.

Of course I am referring to Peri.

Character traits aside, I thought Peri was pretty fit in the day... the nightmare scenario for a returning companion in my book is....


Bonnie Langford just gets up my nose.
I haven't experienced Mel yet ... but I have seen Peri. I'm sure there's a nice person there somewhere, but her voice is so grating I cannot watch her.

Going back to the episode, Christina goes pretty low on the list of companions. I found her uninteresting and the other bus members quite flat and underdeveloped. The episode was a fun romp, I liked the Doctor and the return of Magambo, she was impressively bad-ass. But overall, it was a weak episode.
BBC America Just showed The Next Doctor, and will be showing the 5 part Torchwood miniseries in the end of July, and will also show Planet of the Dead soon. I enjoyed TND, but it was not especially special.
The Sci-Fi channel recently repeated some episodes of Dr. Who and Sarah Jane Adventures on a marathon day (like they do in the summers). I wondered if possibly they were "reminding" people about the Whoniverse and hoped it was to prepare us for something new.

It'll probably be a year. :LOL: But glad to hear they are showing something at BBC America.
I don't think the SciFi channel will be carrying the new eps of Dr. Who. I think they will be exclusive to BBC America. BTW, BBC America is going HD soon. Planet of the Dead is the first ep made in HD. I don't think my cable co. will add it locally until October, though... :(

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