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Dr. Franklin's love life


Dr. Franklin\'s love life

Does anyone else in the b5 universe get as much play as this guy. Every time we see him he's either dancing with some woman or going out to eat with the daughter of the lady who ran the alien healing device or making love to a singer or exploring number 1 on mars.

Re: Dr. Franklin\'s love life

You forgot to say that we also see him trying to save the lives of others.

Have a nice day!!!
Re: Dr. Franklin\'s love life

Well, saving lives was his job... but yes, Franklin was definitely the stud on the show.

I just hope he actually found some happiness, too.

"There are things out there beyond imagination, and I have a rather healthy imagination." - G'Kar, B5: Rangers
Kribu's Lounge | kribu@ranger.b5lr.com | Kribu.net
Re: Dr. Franklin\'s love life

This thread is somewhat Ironic considering it was Franklin's Lack (or perceived lack) of any sort of Personal Life that led to his Stim addiction.

His romance with Number 1 probably didn't work out too well.
As they both observed at the time, they were Both Workaholics.
The "I've got half an hour, how about a quickie" thing only works once in a while.
Most of the time His half hour and Her half hour would occur about 12 hours apart.

Plus, his job is mostly on Earth, while hers would have her running around the Alliance.
With her headquartered first on B5 and later on Minbar, they wouldn't exactly have a lot of opportunities to compare schedules.

Do not ascribe your own motivations to others:
At best, it will break your heart.
At worst, it will get you dead."
Re: Dr. Franklin\'s love life


My initial instinct was to comment 'you mean he had a love life?'

Seems to me he took a pass on lots of opportunities except for the woman when he was on Walkabout.

'I don't believe in the no-win scenario' - JTK
Re: Dr. Franklin\'s love life

I really wished we had seen more of Janice Rosen from "The Quality of Mercy". The way the episode ended with him asking her to dinner (I think that's what he did), I really thought she would be someone that we would have seen again.

Of course, things really couldn't have worked out with Cailyn, because she wasn't going to live much longer.

I haven't read any of the books (except To Dream in the City of Sorrows), so I don't know what happens with him and Tessa Holloran. I would like to think that things worked out for them, but like bakana said, it may have been hard with their jobs and their different locations.

Coach: It's the damnedest thing. I've been shivering all the way over here.
Diane: Well, Coach, you don't have a coat on. It's thirty degrees outside.
Coach: Oh, thank God. I thought I had malaria.
Re: Dr. Franklin\'s love life

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sinclair:
I really wished we had seen more of Janice Rosen from "The Quality of Mercy". The way the episode ended with him asking her to dinner (I think that's what he did), I really thought she would be someone that we would have seen again.

Of course, things really couldn't have worked out with Cailyn, because she wasn't going to live much longer.

I haven't read any of the books (except To Dream in the City of Sorrows), so I don't know what happens with him and Tessa Holloran. I would like to think that things worked out for them, but like bakana said, it may have been hard with their jobs and their different locations.


Actually, there is zero mention of Dr Franklin and his love life in any of the books I have read. (centauri, technomage, psi-coprs trilogies).

'I don't believe in the no-win scenario' - JTK
Re: Dr. Franklin\'s love life

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kribu:
They made a cute couple.


What made them a cute couple? and What makes anyone a cute couple?

And are there any mentions of Franklin in any of those books? He couldn't have just dropped off the face of the universe.

Have a nice day!!!
Re: Dr. Franklin\'s love life

of course he didnt drop off the face of the universe, but it is a rather large universe...

### Hi, I'm a sig virus. Please add me to the end of your signature so I can take over the world.### - caught from Saps @ B5MG
Re: Dr. Franklin\'s love life

I meant that to read 'Franklin's Love Life' but come to think of it, I dont know if he WAS in those books. He wasnt a major part of those trilogies at all. Keep in mind for the Centauri trilogy he was on earth. Garibaldi was the one hunting bester in the Psi Corp book 3 (books 1 and 2 are Pre-B5), and the Mage trilogy didnt really involve the good doctor either.

'I don't believe in the no-win scenario' - JTK
Re: Dr. Franklin\'s love life

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
Kribu said

I just hope he actually found some happiness, too.

From the episode "Sleeping in Light", it doesn't seem like he is with anyone. We see him at Garibaldi's house playing tennis with Michaels daughter, but there is no mention or hint of any relationship he is involved in. I'm of the opinion that he remained married to his job for the rest of his life. So while he may have had relationships, I don't think any of them escalated into anything really serious.

Re: Dr. Franklin\'s love life

I agree, Franklin never found the right woman although he could have kept up a long-distance relationship with Number One.

I always seem to be diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
Re: Dr. Franklin\'s love life

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>I just hope he actually found some happiness, too.

Are you implying that a person can't find happiness being a stud?

"Dawn's in trouble? Must be Tuesday." -- Buffy Summers, "Once More With Feeling."
Re: Dr. Franklin\'s love life

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PsionTen:
Are you implying that a person can't find happiness being a stud?

No, not really. I was just talking about Franklin in particular - seemed that he drifted from one woman to another, and not actually had a chance for happiness with any of them.

Maybe he and No. 1 worked something out, though. They made a cute couple.

"There are things out there beyond imagination, and I have a rather healthy imagination." - G'Kar, B5: Rangers
Kribu's Lounge | kribu@ranger.b5lr.com | Kribu.net
Re: Dr. Franklin\'s love life

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> They made a cute couple.

Y'know, that never occurred to me at the time, but you're right ... they did make a pretty good couple.

"Dawn's in trouble? Must be Tuesday." -- Buffy Summers, "Once More With Feeling."
Re: Dr. Franklin\'s love life

I think JMS posted a remark about Dr. Franklin eventually dying on some distant planet, so that would imply that he went back to Wandering the Galaxy when he got older.

Not what you would expect if he were involved with anyone.

As far as Tessa Halloran, except for what was in the TV episodes, nothing was ever mentioned about them again, so far as I know.

Do not ascribe your own motivations to others:
At best, it will break your heart.
At worst, it will get you dead."
Re: Dr. Franklin\'s love life

I liked Number One, but I think Stephen hit it off more with Janice Rosen. I would have liked to have seen more of her.

I also would have liked to have seen more of his relationship with Cailyn. She was a great character and I think they could have used her a little more.

Another woman that I could have seen him having a relationship with was Sarah Chambers. I saw -something- between them when he made an appearance on Crusade. I've been meaning to play with this in a fanfic, but that's another thing that I haven't quite gotten to yet.

Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.