Re: Dr Who - Season 30 (4)
I'm trying to read bits of this thread, but not much of it, since those of us in the USA who only get the Sci-Fi channel are just seeing the most recent season of Dr. Who.
The Christmas special on the spaceship Titanic was quite enjoyable to me. Sometimes it's not the 'good guys' who live. And just to put some vinnegar in the mix, make sure the complete twit does manage to survive.
The second episode, the diet pill one, hmmm.
The Pompeii episode was great!
First of all, it makes being a Time Lord seem a bit less casual, and fun. A minor point, but: it also gives a quick, relatively non-techno-babble explanation as to why the Doctor sometimes refuses to change events in history, and at others he eagerly jumps in and messes about as much as he likes. The "fixed point" idea, and being aware of what must not be tampered with, suits me well enough.
Donna is quite a treat. Finally, a companion actively challenging the Doctor, and not falling head-over-heels for him. And the Doctor's admission that he really NEEDS a companion to ... well, ground him a bit. But a truly classic moment was his realization that he had to actively cause mass death and destruction, that this wasn't just a natural phenomenon. That, obviously, cut him very deeply. I've always liked the episodes in Dr. Who where you feel a little sympathy for him (such as the John Pertwee episode where he leaves as his soon-to-be-former companion announces plans to marry a promising scientist).
The guest characters were great, too. I loved the insolent young man. So they had them back then, and there, too, eh?
And yet another tease about the Doctor's mysterious never-to-be-known name. What name could it possibly be that so many would know it, and knowing it would somehow be to his detriment? It almost has to be 'God' or 'Devil' or 'Creator' or something, doesn't it? What/who else would be universally recognized and impressive/feared?
Anyhow, I understand this is to be a short season. Phooey to that. So far 2 out of 3 not bad is fine with me.
I did a quick IMDB on David Tennant. I MUST get my grubby hands on a copy of his TV-movie "Recovery" if I have to maim or kill to get it.
It sounds absolutely stunning. This means we'll NEVER see it int he USA, on my PBS station, I'm sure. They prefer the romance/mystery/comedy/pap imports from the U.K. But my friend told me my current DVD player can be made region-free, so if the sucker just comes out on DVD in Canada... I'll be a happy kitty camper. 
Someone give me the heads-up if it does, ok? I promise not to maim/kill you. :evil:
Donna is turning out to be a very intelligent character. Last week, with her knowledge of Pompei's destruction (I don't know how many average people would know that most got killed trying to escape from the beaches), and this week, her interpretation of Ood personality.
I'm trying to read bits of this thread, but not much of it, since those of us in the USA who only get the Sci-Fi channel are just seeing the most recent season of Dr. Who.
The Christmas special on the spaceship Titanic was quite enjoyable to me. Sometimes it's not the 'good guys' who live. And just to put some vinnegar in the mix, make sure the complete twit does manage to survive.
The second episode, the diet pill one, hmmm.
The Pompeii episode was great!
Donna is quite a treat. Finally, a companion actively challenging the Doctor, and not falling head-over-heels for him. And the Doctor's admission that he really NEEDS a companion to ... well, ground him a bit. But a truly classic moment was his realization that he had to actively cause mass death and destruction, that this wasn't just a natural phenomenon. That, obviously, cut him very deeply. I've always liked the episodes in Dr. Who where you feel a little sympathy for him (such as the John Pertwee episode where he leaves as his soon-to-be-former companion announces plans to marry a promising scientist).
The guest characters were great, too. I loved the insolent young man. So they had them back then, and there, too, eh?
Anyhow, I understand this is to be a short season. Phooey to that. So far 2 out of 3 not bad is fine with me.
I did a quick IMDB on David Tennant. I MUST get my grubby hands on a copy of his TV-movie "Recovery" if I have to maim or kill to get it.
Someone give me the heads-up if it does, ok? I promise not to maim/kill you. :evil:
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