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Dr Who - Season 30 (4) [SPOILERS]

Re: Dr Who - Season 30 (4)

It would would be quite rude to discover that the Timelords were actually playing dead. just a thought.
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Re: Dr Who - Season 30 (4)

Why do you say his regenerations are "seemingly limitless"? According to the show he has 12 altogether and he has had 9 of those already ... hence 3 left. I haven't seen anything to indicate that The Doctor is suddenly able to regenerate as many times as he needs to.

I agree with what you say, but it has always puzzled me... we have seen him go through 9 regenerations in 45 years, so how could he be that old? :wtf:
Re: Dr Who - Season 30 (4)

Russel Davies did downplay the 13 regeneration limit of the doctor, in case the show had a extended run, which looks like is going to be the case. this does again bring up another possibility, what if the doctor does have unlimited regenerations, and again what if the time lords downloaded themselves into him a la Simon Trent(Demon With a Glass Hand), what if they are coming back? If they can see all of time past and future, how could they not take steps to prevent their own demise, or devise some other plan?
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Re: Dr Who - Season 30 (4)

Great idea. I love the fact that he is storing them.

If they were Timelords, why did they not see what was coming in the first palce and duck ? :p
Im sorry to be carrying on about this but if we consider who and what Timelords were, namely the masters of time, them getting knocked off by the Daleks? How? The thing is that you don't get to be the masters of time by being weak or stupid. They have access to the Eye of Harmony the Matrix the Vortex which looks out onto the whole of time and space, they have Tardis es to explore time and space and they can't see in the patterns of history their impending doom? Consider the fact that they once fought and defeated an enemy far worse then the Daleks, namely the Vampire race, who would kicked the Daleks metal butts. Also Raslon, considered the greatest Timelord of all, if he had seen this coming in the distant future it stand to reason that he would have done everything in his power to prevent that from coming to pass. He was famous for taking no chance look at the trap he set for Timelords seeking Immortality in the Doctor Who Adventure THE FIVE DOCTORS. :cool: The only possible thing that makes sense is that they in a sense faked or planned their own demise because of some vast looming threat. Again this is pure speculation.:cool:
Well lets not forget that the Daleks were after the abilty to time travel... which led to the 7th Doctor nuking Skaro with the Hand of Omega (interestingly using a con scam worthy of Rassilon himself). In the telemovie, the Master is tried on Skaro... so presumably this takes place in a time relative to the Timelords past.

It's at this point that the Master may well have tried to get himself out of trouble by using his knowledge of skaro's eventual fate... and the technology of time travel as bargaining chips (before being blown into dust by them). Clearly the daleks have acquired a form of rudimentary time travel technology because the cult of Skaro have used the ability.

Now a time war being what it is, muddies the waters somewhat for the Timelords. Yes they have knowledge of the future/futures BUT if you have daleks wandering around everywhere messing with the order of events, that knowledge becomes disrupted... and the timelords are drawn into a conflict ino order to a)preserve the natural order of time and b)regain supremacy of time and c)preserve themselves from an uncertain future.

Is there any possibility that the Doctor could actually become Rassilon one day, travel back and start everything off?
In some ways it's harking back to the old Who idea of the scariest things actually being the mundane and ordinary seeming situations flipped on their head.
Saw Midnight on youtube, what a vicious nasty episode that was !! :eek::wtf:, frightening more so then blink and the library episodes !! incredible writing!!
Combining three sort of unrelated posts into one here:

The quality of Doctor Who seems to be in inverse proportion to the amount of whining and petty bickering going on over at OG or whatever they're calling themselves these days. Think I'm going to delete my account over there today.. I just can't take all the nonsense anymore, no matter how good the spoilers have been as of late or how good the show itself has become.

Garovorkin: I know it's a week and a half after the fact now, but are you still harboring misgivings about the future direction of any of the Doctor Who-related programs now that you've had time to watch and ponder the quality of Mr. Moffat's work?

I'm still mentally digesting Midnight. I think it was a pretty good episode, as I've thought everything else this season has been.. but it left me somewhat.. stunned, for lack of a better term. Not the human behavio(u)r exhibited within the episode.. as someone who is rather burned out on the rest of the human race in general, I've come to expect such bad things from people. I just can't adequately put into words the complex and conflicting feelings I left the episode with. Mind you, I'm not complaining.. I love it when something can screw me up as much as Midnight has. It's just hard to discuss something properly when you can't even put into words exactly how it makes you feel. My better half and I both seem to have that "problem" this week.
Doctor as to Torchwood, Well considering the fact that both Silence and Forest were outstanding episodes and the fact that Her Wrote Jekyll. If he can keep up that level of writing, then I would say Torchwood has a good chance. but here's a question, Who do they get to Replace John Barrowman as lead actor ? The point of concern here, is that he is so identified with the show, I think they need to find someone who audience appeal. Is it possible that Steven Moffat might bring in James Nesbitt? He would be great in Torchwood.
James Marsters was great as Captain John and as Spike and Brainiac. I think he also did some theater work as well, though im not sure on that one. He would make a great addition to the Torchwood cast, they could play up the whole, He has to earn their trust angle, that would be most entertaining to watch. I get the impression that the fans on Outpost Gallifrey are complaining about Dr Who and Torchwood? Is also see that Blake 7 is coming back, a new series?
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