The symbols are there because you choose to see them as such.
You watch and comment on a show that delves into alternate dimensions and realities and such, so here's an acronym for you: Generator Of Dimensions
Now that's clearly an acronym for God.. but does that have a Christian slant or Jewish slant or Muslim slant? No. I'm a self-proclaimed Atheist. (it's safe to say I believe in a Creator/God/Generator Of Dimensions/collective consciousness/aliens/"The Is-Ness"/etc., just not the deities of organized religion... hence the self-applied term of opposition) The things you see as angels and Satan and all that nonsense, I see as collective consciousness and transfer of energy and a positive attitude of forgiveness that have no connection to the divisive and enslaving ways of organized religion.
Perhaps you do not perceive connection to all around you, but I do on some level. I have had past experiences with projecting and receiving feelings from others: What you would call empathy. I've affected someone as far as 200 miles away. I've affected my fiance driving home from work without her making contact with me in any way. I once felt a relative call out for help as she was undergoing a horrible trauma that led to her death. Dismiss them as you will.. because I'm pretty sure most of you will dismiss them.. but the experiences happened to me. Others in my life have confirmed it. Research the
Global Consciousness Project if you require a more scientific slant to the search for what connects us.
For a more topical slant, check out the episode guide for "
Doctor Who Classic" to see the listed influences of each old episode. Buddhism and other "Eastern" religions seem to come up as much as, if not more often than, "Western" religious references. Doesn't account for the new episodes, but as RTD is (if I recall) an admitted Atheist, perhaps his real intent may surprise you. Only he knows what that intent is. What we see in his work is just reading tea leaves. We see what we want to see, even if we just want something to be offended by and divide ourselves over.