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Re: dr.who - SPOILERS

Unfortunately, I doubt UK postal renting companies would do business outside of the UK, and if so, affordable business.

If someone knows of one that does though, shoot :D
Re: dr.who - SPOILERS

I meant a German or Austrian rental firm.

Try www.blockbuster.co.uk
email them first, there may be special conditions e.g. posting the return packages may not be free.
Customer Queries and Complaints

If you have any queries or complaints concerning Our service, the rental of any Rental DVDs, the Site, or technical problems etc, you can contact Blockbuster Customer Services Team by:

· Telephone: 0845 60 60 383 (local rate throughout the UK ), 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., Monday to Friday

· Email: onlinestore@blockbuster.com

· Post: DBP FREEPOST (SCE1 5059), Bradbourne Drive , Tilbrook, Milton Keynes, MK1 8BR - note, this address is not to be used for any returns.
Re: dr.who - possible B5 homage? - SPOILERS

Did anyone see tonight's episode, 'B5 meets Tomorrow Never Dies'?

It wasn't a classic or as good as last week's, but I couldn't help noticing that it was set on a big rotating space station called 'Satellite 5' with numbered levels, a bazaar-like market, and com-link panels in the walls that defaulted to the station's logo. The overall 'feel' of the set design seemed very familiar, on the whole. :cool:

Coincidence, or am I just reading too much into this? (Because that's about as far as the similarities went, to be honest)
Re: dr.who - possible B5 homage? - SPOILERS

No, that is what it was called I think. With Simon Pegg as the editor, right?
Re: dr.who - possible B5 homage? - SPOILERS

Wasn't my favorite till now, no :D .. since aside from the first - where I liked the concept (and the Doctor :D ) and the "feel" but wasn't that impressed with the story - I've truely enjoyed every single episode till now :D .. but also if this one wasn't quite on the level .. it was still quite enjoyable :D

Couldn't help watching next week's preview :eek: .. looks interesting :D .. finally looks like I might get some explenations about some concept things I've been wondering about in the show :D
Re: dr.who - possible B5 homage? - SPOILERS

Just to demonstrate that Russell T Davies has got the pitching of this series about right ...

* My wife and I (both mid-late 30s) are DW fans of old and we are thoroughly enjoying the new series.

* My son is 9 years old and the first thing he says to his Grandparents when we visit on Saturday evening is "Don't forget we are watching Dr Who at 7 o'clock". He then says exactly the same to his other Grandparents when we visit them on Sunday in time for the repeat.

He and my wife are now fighting over which of them gets to keep the Radio Times' free Dalek poster.

I think he will probably win ...

Re: dr.who - possible B5 homage? - SPOILERS

I know Dr Who has made it back.

How? Tonight at my Brownie meeting, a number of the girls were running around shouting 'EXTERMINATE!'

I did my best Dalek impession back at them with, 'THE DALEKS ARE THE SUPREME RULERS OF THE UNIVERSE!'
Re: dr.who - possible B5 homage? - SPOILERS


I'm glad they could finally cut a deal with (the estate of?) Terry Nation. Wasn't that the reason it looked like there would be no Daleks in the new Who?
Re: dr.who - possible B5 homage? - SPOILERS

I think so, yes.
That would have SO sucked .. I loved the Dalek :D .. am feeling like a true ignorant for not knowing the old Doctor Whos :D

Quick poll .. which era are the ones I should most concentrate on getting my hands on? Tom Baker? :eek:
Re: dr.who - possible B5 homage? - SPOILERS

Very loaded question, Chilli. Many do feel Tom Baker was the best Doctor. I am among them, though I have an intense fondness for the second and third doctors as well, and really had the hots for one of the 5th's companions. :eek:

Tom Baker is the doctor Tucson, Arizona's PBS station ran over and over again for years, he was so popular with the fans.

What I hope to do some day is collect select episodes of each doctor. Like "Aztecs" from the first doctor. (And the pilot episode, and another one or two.) The entire "War Games" of the second. A few of the third doc. Tom Baker's: everything with Leela or the Romana companion episodes (maybe Key to Time as well). Anything with Nyssa and the fifth.

Uh, after that... mmm. :(

Oh, they had a great evil lady in one of the later doctor's episodes, what was her name? Rama? I'd get her episode, as well. :)
Re: dr.who - possible B5 homage? - SPOILERS

The Rani, an evil Timelord-ess, cropped up in a couple of stories.

She was played by a noted UK Soap Actress.
Re: dr.who - possible B5 homage? - SPOILERS

Hmm .. googled for "dalek" among pictures in google .. one of the first results I got was .. most disturbing / just plain wrong :|

Was Katy Manning a "legendary" companion .. or is she only known for posing nude when wrapped around a dalek? :eek:
Re: dr.who - possible B5 homage? - SPOILERS

Katy Manning? I believe that was Jo Grant, and if so, she was the next to last companion of the 3rd Dr (was with him most of the time, a favorite of mine.
Re: dr.who - possible B5 homage? - SPOILERS

The Rani, yea that's what her name was. She was a great nemesis for the doctor. Sort of a smarter female version of the Master. :)

A naked Jo posing with a Dalek? Yea, I can see how some parents might object to that. :LOL: Dr. Who is (or was?) considered very much a show that was accessible to children. Maybe not a "kids only" show, but one considered a safe haven by parents, I would think.
Re: dr.who - possible B5 homage? - SPOILERS

Dr Who was transmitted early on Saturday evenings in the children's TV slot. Straight after the sports results so the fathers were still watching.

Safe haven - not really.
It appears now that Billie is leaving as well! Though I have loved the first 5 eps of the new WHO, I must begin to call into question RTD's management.

We're running through folks way too fast. I mean, the Doctor, himself, was just over 600 when Hartnell was on. As of Eccleston, he is 900. So...that means he lived 600 years before he regenerated for the first time and since then, he's regenerated now nine times in 300 yrs! Wow, he's going through them fast. (Personally, I would've had Eccleston say he was now around 1500 yrs old to give a clear indication that more time has passed under the regenerated Doctors than we've seen.)

Now he's running through another companion. I hope they've signed Tennant on for more than one season and whoever comes onboard as the new companion is signed on for more than one as well.

I hoped and still do that RTD has some sort of arced plan for the Doctor, but with him having to constantly replace characters and actors, I'm concerned that he'll have to spend all of his time building characters.

DR. WHO, basically, needs stability in this new incarnation, or fans will begin to wounder what's going so wrong. I know, I'm already a bit concerned, but haven't lost faith just yet...mainly because the first eps I've seen have been fun and exciting.

Also, the Beeb needs to get on the ball with the American release. Now South Korea has even signed a deal. However, the US is still way behind in even coming close to an announcement!

Thank goodness for my region free player or I'd be royally pissed. They're going to run the major risk of massive pirating here in the US if they don't announce a deal soon to show DR. WHO here in the states.

Given its ratings elsewhere, I find it difficult to believe that no venue in the states wants it. I wish they would at least reassure the US that they are working on a deal. :rolleyes:

Here's the DarkHorizons article on Billie:

Billie Moves On From "Doctor Who"
Posted: Tuesday May 24th, 2005 4:53pm
Source: Sky News
Author: Garth Franklin

Looks like Christopher Eccleston isn't the only one not coming back for a second season of the reinvented "Doctor Who". Billie Piper - who plays the Doctor's sidekick Rose Tyler - is moving on. Sky News reports that the show has helped further her acting career and now she wants to get involved in other projects.

A BBC insider told The Sun: "Billie's really proved herself as an actress in Doctor Who and she's been bombarded with offers of work both in England and in America. Billie will feature in some of the second series. But her character Rose won't be the Doctor Who companion at the end of it. It's a nine-month hard slog filming, Chris and Billie were knackered.

" It's claimed that she could appear in just three episodes of the new series, which begins filming in July, but programme bosses hope she'll stick around for seven. David Tennant is taking over from Christopher Eccleston for the new series after Chris made the decision to quit at the end of March.

I hope things settle down or it could cause the end of the new WHO.

The Doctor and his only companion are both not returning? And after the first season?

I confess: that does not sound good.

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