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DVD Region Packaging Differences? R2 people help!

Protectionism?? Why are "most things cheaper abroad"?
No I must resist the urge to argue this point. :cool:
(In this case of course it's not about saving money it's about speed .)
The only difference I know of is that the R1 boxes are "shiny", i.e. they have a metallic/holographic shine to them. The artwork itself is the same, as far as I know .. not sure about the individual disc artwork but based on the little I've heard, I think that is the same too.

The big difference between Region 1 and Region 2 DVDs is that R1 are designed to be played on NTSC TVs at 30 frames per second. R2 for PAL TVs at 25 frames per second. Some but not all players and TVs can display both. Make sure that your equipment can before inporting.
It's ok Swallow, I think Wombartius was asking about the purely cosmetic differences between the R! and R2 sets rather than the technical differences.
Yeah I was just asking about cosmetic differences. I've bought a mixture of R1 & R2 box sets to complete a series before and they've been in completely different packaging which kinda spoiled the "appearance" of the set.

I know that it's not terribly important but if I end up spending £200 to get the full five seasons I'd like them to match if possible.

I'll not have any problems playing R1 because I have quite a few already.

I'm not too bothered about the extras when it comes to DVD's, if I could pay less to get only the episodes I would because I very rarely ever watch any extras stuff.
Re: DVD Region Packaging Differences? R2 people he

Generally, region 1 disks have more extras.
Because they have less language tracks.

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