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DVDs - Commentary?

Popcorn Mariach

New member
I'd like to listen to the director's/writer's commentary for B5, but the first S1 DVD I got from netflix has no commentary!
Can anyone with the DVDs confirm if this is a problem with the netflix DVDs (they found commentary-less versions somewhere) or if it's supposed to be that way, tell me which seasons have commentary?

I'd like to listen to the director's/writer's commentary for B5, but the first S1 DVD I got from netflix has no commentary!

The commentaries for the Season One DVDs are on 'Signs and Portents' (disk 4 and 'Chrysalis' (Disk Six), both by JMS. I've never heard of any of the DVD sets being commentary-less completely.

Ahh, thanks.
Is there a list online anywhere that tells which discs have commentary?
(Don't want to request them all off netflix if only a third have commentary.)
For the JMS commentaries specifically (2 episodes per season), ie. excluding the cast commentaries, they are on:

S1 discs 4 & 6
S2 discs 4 & 6
S3 discs 3 & 6
S4 discs 5 & 6
S5 discs 5 & 6

Some of the TV movies have them as well, depending on your region.