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Enjoy the show everyone!

Agreed. I didnt like all the concepts, but overall it was great. I thought Myriam did a great job with some difficult dialogue and scenes. There were parts that REALLY got me wondering what was up with her character. There is a lot more going on there than we saw on the outside. Hopefully we get a series to investigate her more. I REALLY liked her character probably more than the rest, and can't wait to see more. That I guess is the whole idea of a pilot, so it was nicely done in my books.

'I don't believe in the no-win scenario' - JTK
I'd like to echo the thanks of everyone else. Thanks for the cast for doing their best, and thanks for JMS for writing something new. And lots of thanks to Sci-Fi for picking it up and giving us a chance to view it! Many kudos are in order.

"There's always hope, because it's the one thing nobody's figured out how to kill yet." - Galen
Thanks for posting here. I thought you all had great chemestry

No choice, no choice at all.
Big thanks to all, and to all a big thanks! Huzzah! Hurrah! Ummmmm, shazbot! No, wait.....

*gets real nervous and hides in the closet*


"I have seen what power does, and I have seen what power costs. The one is never equal to the other." --G'Kar "Epiphanies"

"Yeah, just drink some juice like a wuss. And then gawk at the piano lady" --Ward
I'll add my voice to those that have said that the acting was good. I think the cast did an excellent job of protraying their characters and the chemistry was good. I like how these characters relate to one another. They all get along, which is great. And from what I can tell, that has flowed over into they way the actors relate to one another in real life. IMO, if you have good repore between actors, than that is a good thing.

Dulann: You don't solve your problems by hitting them.
David Martel: Yeah, well, it made me feel better.

[This message has been edited by RW7427 (edited January 20, 2002).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Enjoy the show everyone! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thank you very much. I did enjoy the show.

Remember dear readers, you heard it here first. Off the record, on the Q.T., and very hush-hush - Danny DeVito as Sid Hudgens in L.A. Confidential

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