Jade Jaguar
Strange, I never would have even thought of the possibility of her having a bit of black blood in her. What makes her appear black to you?
Definitely hispanic/latina, IMHO.
Having lived in Venezuela for a couple of years, and having spent a lot of time in Mexico, and havins several close friends who are latinos from various Latin American countries, she just doesn't look like a latina to me. Her lips and eyes look black. I always assumed she was a light skinned black, or black and white ancestry. I do realize that Alba is a spanish surname. My favorite place to stay in Merida, Mexico is called Casa Dolores Alba.
Addendum: I just looked her up on the IMDb. She has a Mexican father, and a French-Danish mother. She says she was rejected by all races as being not white, or Mexican enough. She doesn't speak Spanish, and does not consider herself a latina. I will say that her photo on the IMDb really makes her look African-American. I will also say that I have learned to never think you really know what race a person is, just by looking.
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