I'm sorry, but most of us don't give a crap about fan fiction and home-made merchandise. We want to see professional writers who love and respect Trek make good stories.
I used to think the same way...until about the time the professional writers started throwing out stuff that wasn't worth watching (Voyager era), and I noticed some "fan" writers did much better jobs. Heck remember Ron Moore came from the fan fiction arena at one point. You have to start somewhere...
That being said, I was never really paid any attention to fan fiction because I didnt believe any of it to be cannon or relavant...just fantasy on the part of fans wanting to create what they dont have. There is plenty of bad stuff out there though that gives it a bad name.
However, there is a good one that I came across a few months ago. I read the first 5-6 episodes and thought it was neat, I just didnt have the time to get into it, but maybe now that Trek is over I will. Its a huge colaberation of fan fiction to create an entire new series. They are already in the "fourth season" by now as this has been going on for some time. It takes place some 50 years AFTER the next generation, and Im told there is a focus on story arcs and such. 100% fan driven though, and there is even some pics/supporting art to go with it (kinda cheesy, but a nice effort).
The site is here:
Star Trek: Renaissance
The only hard part to get used to, is you are actually reading SCRIPTS not books or paragraphs.
So I guess Im saying there is some good fan fiction out there, and in the absense of a Trek series, some of it might be worth a look. I will try to find the time to read at least the first season from that website and see what I think...