I got the impression that the Vulcans were running an acceptance test - to be counted as grownup the species had to develop a working warp drive spaceship. Following the test flight of the Enterprise the humans may have been promoted to a different category.
That's cerainly not the impression I got. The very un-Vulcan-like Ambassador Soval seems to have utter contempt for humanity. If anything, the Vulcans themselves don't even want to be on Earth (which makes me wonder even more why they're there). The impression I get is that they have a hidden agenda when it comes to Earth. What it is, I have no idea.
T'Pol was half helping us.
Yes, and as you saw on the last episode, Soval wanted her to go back to Vulcan because she's been spending too much time around humans... like she's been contaminated or something.
Making an enemy of the Vulcans would be a very bad action.
Who said anything about making them enemies? Like Benjamin Franklin said, fish and houseguests begin to smell after three days. I hardly think that telling the Vulcans, "Thanks but no thanks" would make them our enemies, but then again these are a different breed of Vulcans.
It also depends on what sort of restrictions the Vulcans were imposing. Doing the equivalent of tap dancing in a minefield is a bad idea.
That's the very point I'm making... why would we allow them to impose any restrictions on us? Are they an invasion force or are they here to help us... and if they're here to help us, then what are they helping us with? They seem to be "parenting" us to some degree and my question is why would we allow ourselves to be "parented."
Are you certain that we did it all ourselves?
That's another point... Enterprise never explored any of these areas. But if you go back to some of the earlier episodes of season one, both Archer and Trip seem to be of the opinion that we did all of those things without any help from the Vulcans... which is why they're so upset with the Vulcans "holding us back" from venturing into deep space.
There is a long tradition of sergeant majors motivating raw recruits by calling them every name in the book. The Vulcans may have copied it.
I don't think we know anything about the Vulcan's motives when it comes to humanity. From what I've seen, they've already made enemies with the Andorians, it could be that they treated them the same way they're treating humans and that caused the animosity between the two... who knows.