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Enterprise season four finale (spoiler, for now)

Re: Enterprise season four finale (spoiler, for no

No, I'm not yanking your chain, they DID say that, very early in the ep. I had the same thought as you, since dogs are of Earth, and they are from another planet. But, I swear it is true!
Re: Enterprise season four finale (spoiler, for no

Well, uh... from the episode bits that I saw, it looked like the writing had improved.

They may have some tricky tie-ins to do before anything remotely resembling uh... consistency... can..

awww well, as long as they didn't eat Porthos, I'm fine. :LOL:
Re: Enterprise season four finale (spoiler, for no

Roast dog with rat tail sauce, yum yum!

Kidding, of course, but the Aztecs raised dogs for food, and often depicted chubby chihuahuas with ears of corn in their mouths, usually as pottery vessels. Only the wealthy can afford to eat chihuahuas any more. ;)
Re: Enterprise season four finale (spoiler, for no

Well, yea, some cultures did and do eat dogs but... Enterprise is actually improving. Let's leave the dog-eating to the ancients. :eek:

By the way, nice new avatar, VL. Kosh in the angel mode there. :cool:
Re: Enterprise season four finale (spoiler, for no

Thanks hyp.

And I agree: Enterprise is improving. I found myself actually quite excited while watching this past week's episode.
Re: Enterprise season four finale (spoiler, for no

Yeah, Jeffrey Combs is the man. As I've said many times before, I am a hopeless sucker for grandiose theatrical scenery chewing acting and Combs is one of the best.

IIRC, his first appearance on Trek was as a one-off alien character on DS9. His first recurring role was that of the Ferengi (Brunt, or something like that) who constantly harassed Quark. But of course his greatest recurring role was that of Way-Un, the Vorta representative of the Dominion. Between that character and Dukat (the Cardassian), they made the Dominion the coolest bad guys on TV ever.

And of course he was in an episode of B5, as the telepath that was with the even-more-scenery-chewy Colonel who tried to usurp Sinclair in eyes. Man, between Sinclair's stiff indignant self-righteosness, Ivanova's awkwardness, the Colonel's over-doing everything, and Combs' pansy-ass telepathic mumbo-jumbo ("filthy, filthy!"), that is one of the funniest scenese.

Anyhoo, I dug this ep.
Re: Enterprise season four finale (spoiler, for no

Yea Combs was all over DS9. He probably played 25% of the aliens on the show. He must be nailing someone at Paramount too, to keep getting roles in the Trek universe. I really was not at all surprised when I saw him for the first time as the Andorian...
Re: Enterprise season four finale (spoiler, for no

I see him as Trek's Wayne Alexander.

Wasn't he also one of the original 3 Ferengi when they were introdced on TNG?
Re: Enterprise season four finale (spoiler, for no

I'll always remember him as Herbert West, in the excellent Re-Animator, but I do like him in all his Trek roles as well.
Re: Enterprise season four finale (spoiler, for no

His whole "Brunt" role in DS9 was just annoying though. "Brunt, FCA."


DS9 took the Ferengi and made them into a race of greedy goofballs. Nothing like they were in their debut and returns in TNG. They could have kept the whole greed culture, Rules of Aquisition, and all that, and just not made them as weak and lame as they did. Eqisodes with Brunt and the Nagus just made me cringe...
Re: Enterprise season four finale (spoiler, for no

It was silly, yes, but I didn't mind Brunt.

It was when Quark's mom hooked up with the Nagus that really irked me. And the less said about the baseball episode the better. I want to punch Rom almost as much as Wesley Crusher.

Ironically, it was a Ferengi episode in which we first hear mention of the Dominion.
Re: Enterprise season four finale (spoiler, for no

The Ferengi had their place in DS9 no doubt, but they overused and over-lamed them at times. Sometimes they added a lot to the episode, other times, ick. Yea, I forgot about Quark's mom and the Nagus. Thanks for reminding me...
Re: Enterprise season four finale (spoiler, for no

DS9 took the Ferengi and made them into a race of greedy goofballs. Nothing like they were in their debut and returns in TNG.

I disagree. TNG started it. Remember the ones like when the Ferengi kidnapped Lwaxana Troi? Basically they started to change after the first season of TNG, when no one took them seriously as an enemy and the Romulans were brought back.

However, DS9 did go too far with the Ferengi. I think in later seasons in particular they became the comic relief when the stories got darker.

So while I love one of the episodes mentioned here, the baseball episode (I thought it was funny, and Jake in the baseball outfit appeals to me) I do agree that the linkup of the Nagus and Quark's mother was pretty bad.

But for me, the episode that was "Don't do this anymore", and the one I have difficult watching, is the one with Zek, Moogie and Quark having a sex change to a woman. Even the producers admit that was the end of Ferengi episodes.
Re: Enterprise season four finale (spoiler, for no

Remember the ones like when the Ferengi kidnapped Lwaxana Troi?
Nope. And thats probably why I associate the change with DS9. :)
Re: Enterprise season four finale (spoiler, for no

Yeah, that was pretty cornball. A Ferengi captain (Damon, or whatever their equivalent is) kidnapped both Trois. He wanted Lwaxana to be his girlfriend and business partner, using her empathic skills in conjunction with his business acumen and contacts. Eventually the Enterprise caught up to them and when they got them back, in order to prevent a fight, Picard had to pretend that he was in love with her and did it ultra-corny and that part was actually kind of funny.

Now, if you went to ultra-silly (and who doesn't), the Ferengi were eliminated as a serious threat or enemy in the first encounter. They met in the first season on some planet where some ultra-powerful dude lived and Riker out-smarted or demonstrated better character than the Ferengi. That episode also served to extend the theme of the show that began with Q, that humanity was destined to evolve into some ultra-superior thing (oddly enough, a theme also present in Babylon 5).
Re: Enterprise season four finale (spoiler, for no


...Archer kept the entire thing secret as if nothing happened, so Starfleet would have no record of encountering them.

I believe the Organians removed their memories, including Archer's. I don't recall that Archer was shown keeping the whole thing secret.

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