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Enterprise: "Storm Front"

Re: Enterprise: \"Storm Front\"

If there is one thing I keep seeing in the information that comes across on boards like this one it is: the process is a very complex one.

Just thinking about contract negotiations alone makes my head spin. Then you get on top of writers and directors the producers and the UPN/TNT-type interference and it's really a wonder anyone bothers with the process at all, isn't it?
Re: Enterprise: \"Storm Front\"

Telling me something you've learned and sourcing it is fine...it's called an exchange of information. It's how we grow as individuals and as a race.

But basically telling me that you're right and I'm full of shit does not fit the action as described above.

I was merely paraphrasing the interview exactly as I read it. The question was posed, MC answered the way I stated it. Nothing said anything about that element coming down from on high, nor did MC indicate the Nazi thing had come from anywhere but BB.

Where you blame me for consistant attacks against B&B, I could say the same for your relentless defense of them.

While I can understand that execs send down notes and decrees, I will not relinquish B&B from their part of the blame. Nor, as I said before time and again, am I the only one who holds them accountable for what is commonly seen as the demise of the ST franchise. The majority of fans, major critics and others in the industry have also placed the onus on them and on many occasions have called for their resignations and/or terminations.

I am not alone. I have, however, given ST so many chances to win me and be what I know it can be that I have lost count, and repeatedly it has let me down. Each chance has been accompanied by an openness to success. I've rooted (sp?) for Trek. I want it to be better. I so desire it's return to greatness. I give it, however, this one final opportunity before I resign myself to the fact that it's lost it's passion and vision...whether due to B&B or suits or what-have-you...one or a combination of many things...Trek has lost its way.

I hope, sincerely and deeply, it can find it once more.

Re: Enterprise: \"Storm Front\"

CE, the chances of Enterprise lasting beyond this season are low. So part of me just thinks you should give up now... and maybe Trek will come back in a few years.

But there sounds like there's some good stuff coming up.
Re: Enterprise: \"Storm Front\"

You act as if it's a chore for me to give something I grew up loving another chance. I want to see Trek succeed again.

I hope this season rocks. I will not give up until I see that it's just more of the same ol' schtick.

I hope the good stuff coming up isn't just good, I really hope it's great.

BTW, I can tell that the FX budget was cut and noticed the new look, but couldn't figure out what it was until I read that they're shooting on HD vid.

SG tried that for one season and ran screaming back to film.

I hope it helps, but the FX ain't lookin' as good as they did. Question: Can the fans overlook that as B5 fans did? And can the writers deliver good, solid writing and characters that make up for any drop in FX? So far, the characters and writing in the last 3 seasons were so bad that no matter what the FX were, I wasn't interested.

I can give FX a break if story and character are great. But for me it doesn't work the other way in the least.

Re: Enterprise: \"Storm Front\"

Antony has a good point, though. One thing that drove me away from Trek wasn't just the awful storylines. But I just didn't care about the characters. If it is on its last leg here, I doubt they could really win me over quickly enough to make it worthwhile.

My unopened "Prisoner" DVDs are also calling to me. :)
Re: Enterprise: \"Storm Front\"

Getting back to the episode, I found it a rather feeble effort. Dialogue was weak, the attempts at "banter" were pretty bad and the episode seemed over-expositioned. I know Coto inherited this story from B&B, so while I can excuse the plot (which isn't that bad, but it's just not catching my interest), the poor dialogue and stereotyped guest characters won't.
Re: Enterprise: \"Storm Front\"

Now, with the timeline reset, is Silik dead or not? Meh.

If only Trip had shot Archer.

A very meh episode.
Re: Enterprise: \"Storm Front\"

If only I had gotten my "Part 2" thread started before you went to post this. :LOL:

But yeah, I agree, it was very "meh."
Re: Enterprise: \"Storm Front\"

Silik went down to the planet in the shuttle didn't he?

Or are you spoiling part 2 now?
Re: Enterprise: \"Storm Front\"

Any show that has to stoop to trotting out the Nazis to drum up ratings is not worth my time. It's just sad how pitiful Star Trek has become.
Re: Enterprise: \"Storm Front\"

They didn't trot out Nazis for ratings, they trotted out Nazis to dig out of the hole Manny Coto's predecessor left him in.

Next week starts the 3 episode Arc that I am looking forward to, it is that set of episodes I will judge Manny Coto by.

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