Yeah, blah..blah.. blah whatever. Either it worked or it didn't. They filmed it, they aired it, and it sucked!
Pretty much. That plus some of the lines are practically like eating a 5 lb. bag of sugar.
More than even the ISN episodes. This is my very very most unfavorite out of all 110.
I didn't mind the ISN episodes as much, either, but my least favorite is "Believers." I like "Infection," "Grey 17 is Missing," and "TKO" far more than "Believers."
"Matt what are these things for?"
"What do you mean what are they for? You run them over the floor like this... "
"No, I mean what do they DO? They don't clean it or anything."
"Something for the metal, I don't know. Maybe it makes it stronger."
"You mean you don't know what it does either?"
"Well, then I guess it's time for lunch."
Give me a break. I'm sorry. I love 95% of B5 but this is absolute crap.
Yeah, like techs who use the equipment wouldn't have a clue as to what that equipment does.

That was ridiculous. How do they know if it's working? You'd let these guys work on your important systems?

At some points, they seem hardly more knowledgable than janitors, and at other moments, they're tearing into the defense grid during a battle, <u>and successfully fixing it!</u> That incongruity seems like lazy writing, to me. In real life, you'd have different level techs working on the various systems we saw them working on.
e.g. In a nuclear power plant, the guys who maintain the floors are not the same guys who maintain the Solid State Protection System (which the nuclear operators use to control the reactor). Hell, this was almost as if Chris Carter had written the episode (ref. The X-Files 6X01 "The Beginning"), and that's <u>
not</u> a compliment.
Also that, "Tastes like chicken," routine. PuhLEASE!
Routines. They did it at least twice. Yeah, clichéd to the max.
I appreciated the conversation that Franklin had with that maintenance guy (Bo?). I've always identified with Franklin, maybe because I'm an ER doc too, but I've had those types of conversations with medics. Real heart to hearts, where you give up some of yourself, hoping that maybe it will touch the other person enough to maybe prevent them from making your mistakes, or living through your pain. ...Maybe just to let them know that they're not alone in their feelings, that doing the right thing isn't necessarily hopeless, and maybe they are not the only one who wants to go the easy route and give into the system. That was good stuff. Really good imo. But it was just once scene. ... oh and that scene where J’kar talks about growing up in bomb shelters. That was good too.
But then there’s that battle where they’re watching live killing like it’s on wide screen TV. The only thing that was missing was popcorn. Even though they talked like it’s deep, their mannerisms and body postures don’t make you believe that *they* believe that people are getting killed out there. It’s like they are sitting on a stage delivering a speech, not acting in a TV show. More like a demonstration during an acting class or something. It’s just not good. It’s not believable. Not REAL.
Oh yeah, and then there was when Sheridan trusted his wife’s life to two maintenance workers that he had never met before??? Come ON! I just don’t buy any of it.
Yeah, but if you were Franklin, would wou want non-specialists working on your medlab equipment?
And then there’s Byron! Meh. Any episode with him automatically loses a grade point.
Only one grade point? For me, it's two or three.
There goes the tiny little boost that this episode got for the Franklin scene. Nothing else redeems it. I mean, I do understand where JMS was going. I understand that there are many perspectives and they are all just as valid as the other. I do appreciate that there are always people around hearing part of what we say and putting things together for themselves without knowing all the facts; just as we do from other’s perspectives’. But it just doesn’t WORK. It’s dumb. It’s silly; almost embarrassing at times. At least that’s how I feel.
Same here.