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EpDis: Convictions

Divided Loyalties

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I just gave it a B. It's kind of an entertaining episode, but that bomber kinda bugs me. :LOL:

I love the part with Londo talking to an unconscious Lennier in Medlab though. :D
I agree with the C. I love Londo's bits with Lennier and also with G'Kar in the transport tube, but the main story of the episode was a bit bland to me. I enjoy watching it every now and then, but it's not one I jump for like an excited puppy.
Rewatched this last week (I'm on to Series 5 now in my rewatches!)...
G'kar and Londo are the highlight in this - I love G'kar in this for he is quite quite mad. Sometimes think they coulda gone on slightly longer with him in this state.... but hey I can't complain.

That and Sheridan's punches save this episode from an F. I hate that bomber.
The bomber is your classic cardboard villain. But the first time I saw this I did get a bit wrapped up in the intensity (and it was a bit nice to have a villain who didn't really have some Deep Dark Secret Agenda). But Londo and G'Kar sell this episode without question.
Oh this is the episode with the elevator! I tell you, G'Kar laughing at their mutual impending doom- this is exactly the kind of thing why B5 still gets to me.

"Can anyone here me?!"
"I hear you"

Brlliantly played by Katsulas, the way he just laughs at Londo's escape plan as if it surviving would be the silliest thing in the world.

And, uh, oh yeah, some other stuff happens I guess...
Good dialogue, plenty of action, comedy, monks . . . this episode seems to be a little underrated.

I like the premise quite a bit. Especially in the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing.
I've been stingy with my A's, but I gave this one, purely because I think the elevator scene is brilliant. G'kar, Londo, satirical, funny, and very meaningful.
Average, from my perspective. The Londo / G'Kar stuff is great, but as a whole it is merely good, not great. It certainly suffers from being in the same season as 'Passing Through Gethesemane', 'Dust To Dust', 'Severed Dreams' etc.
Oh this is the episode with the elevator! I tell you, G'Kar laughing at their mutual impending doom- this is exactly the kind of thing why B5 still gets to me.

"Can anyone here me?!"
"I hear you"

Brlliantly played by Katsulas, the way he just laughs at Londo's escape plan as if it surviving would be the silliest thing in the world.

And, uh, oh yeah, some other stuff happens I guess...

Oh yeah....I forgot about that elevator stuff with Londo and G'Kar. Great shit man! :LOL:
I just rewatched the ep, because I needed a break from essay-writing. It was the cinematography that really made this one stand out: close-in shots, a lot of blurry action and darkened sets.

I had also forgotten Londo's "conversation" with the comatose Lennier in medlab: "I am going to take a break now and wait for you to talk. And if you don't, I'll talk again. And we wouldn't want that, would we?"
Had some of the best Londo and G'Kar lines ever!

...plus that poor guy between them, waiting for the elevator. :LOL:
...plus that poor guy between them, waiting for the elevator. :LOL:

That was another episode. This is the one where Londo is waiting for the tube and when it opens G'Kar is already inside. After meaningful looks/stares/glares, Londo decides to carry on waiting, until the bomb goes off further down the corridor and he has to get into the tube to escape the blast.

Can't remember which ep has them arguing over the head of the other guy while waiting, but I am pretty it was before the Narn/Centauri war kicked off.
A solid B only because of the G'Kar- Londo elevator scene and also the placement of the listening device on Sheridan.

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