Just saw that during The Emmy's IN MEMORIAM segment they used a still of Bernie Casey as Derek Cranston to pay tribute to him. It is very brief and only fans will recognize that the photo is from B5, but it was nice to see.
I didn't see the Emmys, but that IS nice
"While I was asleep, the ship ... it sang to me!" I just love that. It's so ... magical! (Vague) SPOILERS for later storylines in this paragraph, skip to the next one if you don't want to see them. I love that the Vorlon programming totally worked on me. Knowing everything I know about Vorlons, and having seen how they fight their wars, knowing exactly how they programmed humans to respond to them ... I STILL think of them as kind of magical, just like they intended
Also Vorlon ships are just the best.
It's a good episode, mostly because of the Earthgov background stuff, and the Kosh stuff. "I will teach you ... About you. Until you are ready ... To fight legends." This is VERY exciting, if rather cryptic as usual.
Random bits and pieces:
- Ranger sighting!!
- Did the woman who contacts Sheridan come with Cranston? Is she undercover in his unit or did she come separately?
- I've said this in other threads, but those random B5 bad guys tend to be fairly hilarious. This one is one of the very best. Those sunglasses he wears when he contacts Cranston never fail to crack me up.
- Garibaldi makes a good point about the last time Franklin vouched for someone he knew when he was a student. Also Franklin is surprisingly chummy with his old professors, judging by the two of them we've met.
- Garibaldi's disguise is also fairly hilarious.
- Sheridan and Ivanova pointedly looking at each other to make it clear to the audience they're scheming
Also immediately talking about it the millisecond the guy leaves the room.
- Why does Franklin recognize the pocket watch? Was Jacobs already the Presidential doctor when he was teaching Franklin?
- I am once again being overly nitpickey (I nitpick because I LOVE
) but aside from the fact that it's yet another example of a late 20th century US-specific system being used in the 23rd century ... I find it hard to believe that professor guy can remember the exact grade some student scored 20 years ago in some 101 level class
- Kosh actually gave understandable, non-cryptic instructions on how to hide doctor Jacobs on his ship? Too bad we didn't get to see it!