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EpDis: Midnight On The Firing Line

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I am enjoying it and what I notice is that, unlike modern television, it actually has a "real" quality to it: no cheap and shockingly bad CGI, like in NCIS, and it's not made super-slick and stylised like CSI Miami which is a fun show but sometimes feels like a John Woo movie.

Also, the Jan Hammer soundtrack, which I used to listen to, long before ever watching the show for the first time, is very enjoyable and atmospheric.
The other music choices are great as well where it acts as a showcase for popular songs.

I remember seeing the Buses episode a little while back. That was a hard-hitting episode at the end.
Season 2 is full of really unusual, memorable ones, which are making it perform better than the first season.

The way Weldon was acted really stood out and the actors in general really sell the show, rather than them relying exclusively on editing and production values.

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