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EpDis: Severed Dreams

Passing Through Gethsemane

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Wow! :eek:

23 votes for "A" and not one single vote for anything else? :D :cool:

Silly girl, you are surprised? There is absolutely nothing in this ep that was subpar in any way. This and "No Surrender, No Retreat" are my personal most watched.

Besides which, I'd bet Anthony would just erase the results of someone who's obviously deranged. :devil:
Ah, forgive me for saying it, but I seriously doubt Antony would want to go to that kind of trouble, Fisheggs. He's not exactly that obsessed with the polls, I'm betting. ;)

What surprises me is that episodes I found quite good others hated completely. :LOL: I even know people who are less-than-enthusiastic about the last episode.

So yea, I was a bit surprised. It's quite neat, though. :D
Well dear, there are some eps that just knock everyones' socks off. This is one of them. :LOL:

Truer words were never spoken, RW...It was so good I'm still looking for one of my socks! You haven't seen it have you? It's a little white one, there's a little bow on the...nevermind! :eek: :LOL:

:LOL: Sorry...just a little joke..carry on! :cool:
Well dear, there are some eps that just knock everyones' socks off. This is one of them. :LOL:

Truer words were never spoken, RW...It was so good I'm still looking for one of my socks! You haven't seen it have you? It's a little white one, there's a little bow on the...nevermind! :eek: :LOL:

:LOL: Sorry...just a little joke..carry on! :cool:


Check under the couch. Especially if you have pets. ;)
I wouldn't look under the couch. The dust bunnies are a killer! :eek:

:eek: Dust bunnies!? They wouldn't dare!!! :D But you might be right about my dog, she definitely looks guilty about something. I guess I'd better take a look around to see if anything else is missing...like a lamp... or a chair... :D :D
Funny Story about this episode. My Dad and I once watched Messages From Earth, Point of No Return, and Severed Dreams in one sitting, (which is really an awesome way to watch them on DVD.) By the end, my Dad would not belive that we had only been watching for 2 and a half hours! I explained it was 3 45 minute episodes, he insisted it was longer. :)
Best of the Best.
The look on Corwins face and the tone of his voice when the 2nd set of Earthforce ships arrivals always makes me shiver. And of course, Delenn's rescue speech.
Though it did seem a bit unbelievable that all the Earthforce ships left without even testing her.
The end scene in the Zocolo gives me goosebumps too

JMS has mentioned that the EA ship's withdrawal was a little forced, but that the episode was so pressed for time that it had to be cut that way.

And yes, EXCELLENT. All around.

I always liked Zach's tender treatment of Garibaldi after the battle. It threw an extra bit of realism into the scene (perhaps a bit too much realism for JD, though :p)
Didn't Jerry really break a bone when they were filming that? They show him hobbling with a cane later in the ep, but I thought I heard he broke his arm or something.
He did break his arm filming that episode. JMS has said that the scene where Zack is helping Garibaldi sit down after the battle, that Garibaldi's arm moves in a way un-natural for an intact arm. His injury is worked into the next episode where he's wearing a sling & cast on his arm.
I'm the one that voted this a C. Sorry! I just think that theres so many better moments in B5, and feel this is overated. The brutal off screen dispatch of Hague (though, not B5's fault!) is annoying. The ending, with that hand kissy thing and the applause makes me cringe. I've always found the big space battle things a bit of a let down, and I do prefer the dialogue and actors to the big battles. Meh, its not just a protest vote.
The ending, with that hand kissy thing and the applause makes me cringe. I've always found the big space battle things a bit of a let down, and I do prefer the dialogue and actors to the big battles. Meh, its not just a protest vote.
I've always been kind of chilled by the ending, where they cut to the "Traitors can't hide" poster. But that's not the best part of the episode by a longshot anyway.
Well, at 30 versus 1 so far, I'd say it's one of the favorite episodes of the fans who post here. :)

Of course, not every series or every episode is going to be liked by every person.
I've always been kind of chilled by the ending, where they cut to the "Traitors can't hide" poster. But that's not the best part of the episode by a longshot anyway.

I liked the ending, too. That poster brought everything to a dead stop for me. The kiss on the hand had left me feeling all :) warm and fuzzy, but that feeling faded with the realization that there were tough times ahead....
I agree! It's so hard not to vote twice...I really like this one, but I'll be good, I promise... ;)

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