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Episode III opening crawl (Spoilers in link)


Here's the opening crawl for Revenge of the Sith. Personally, I don't think he's done that great a job with them in this new trilogy. The original trilogy ones were better.
Agreed. I watched TPM the other day and had to laugh at how ridiculous the opening crawl was for a Star Wars film.
Possible spoilers below...
OK, when did Count Dooku become a Sith Lord? I thought he was just a general bad guy.
Before Episode II even came out Count Dooku was listed as Count Dooku / Darth Tyranus (sp?) on the official website... & at the end of episode II Darth Sidious actually calls him that. He's a sith lord the whole time, it's just that he doesn't own up to it. ;)
HEHE, like me. I'm interested in seeing how the saga will end (or rather blend into Ep IV), but, not interested enough to stay on top of spoilers/rumors. At least if I stay away from them, I may enjoy the movie.
I tried to avoid the spoilers as much as possible, but as I find myself anticipating the movie too much I want to learn more. We're less than four months away now and I find myself not wanting to have to wait that long.

I too want to see how it blends into Episode IV and look forward to how it all ends, although I have a pretty good idea of what's going to happen. ;)
I am going to avoid the spoilers, now I'm quite into the Star Wars story. Roll on episode 3 I say!

But talking of opening crawls... I still remember episode 1 quite clearly. Wasn't it something like...

Princess Amidala is campaigning against a base rate increase of levies on grain shipments. The council says the tax is needed to offset the lost income by grain growers that lost crops due to the floods. But meanwhile, in a business meeting...

Okay, I forget. I remember it being boring. :)
Yeah, well, some would say that the opening crawls (and perhaps the franchise as a whole) have been deteriorating since Return of the Jedi.

A New Hope: "It is a period of civil war...."

The Empire Strikes Back: "It is a dark time for the Rebellion...."

Return of the Jedi: "Luke Skywalker has returned to Tatooine to rescue his friend Han Solo."

See the difference? Trade negotitations are just a step or two farther down.
Dudes, whatever. Who cares. The opening crawls last like two minutes. What's gonna come just after that? Lot's of space battles, action, dueling, and new villains. Classic Star Wars. Only better: with the FX getting tons better with each new movie.

btw... *spoilers*

Whatever happened to the digital Tarkin?
How the heck can the opening crawl be a spoiler? You WILL see it before the film even if you wait to see it in the theater. Or, do some close their eyes to the crawl, to avoid being spoiled? :LOL:
Whatever happened to the digital Tarkin?

I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. :confused:

How the heck can the opening crawl be a spoiler? You WILL see it before the film even if you wait to see it in the theater.

It can be a spoiler if you don't want to know what it says before the movie actually comes out. This is the only opening crawl that I've read before I've seen the movie. Personally, I wish I hadn't come across it in the first place. I'd rather wait until I'm sitting in the theater for the first time to read it right before the movie unfolds in front of my eyes.

Yeah, I know, some people don't give a shit, but others do.
Oh, I can certainly understand not wanting to encounter true spoilers. It's just that since, one way or the other, you will see it before you see the film, I can't see what is spoiled.
Why is that the case? I've not seen the other crawls before I watchd it, so I personally will wait to see e3's properly.
I consider the crawl to be a part of the film, and an integral part at that. Once the main title has gone past and John Williams has turned the London Symphony Orchestra loose, the film has begun.
I agree with you guys. For me the opening crawl is a part of the experience. That's part of what makes Star Wars what it is. We all expect to see the precursor to the movie: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Followed by: STAR WARS, encompassing the entire screen,

then we get the crawl, and as it fades into the stars we know the film has begun.