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Episode-Titles complete now

As written on www.worldsofjms.com, there are all episode-titles known now - here there are:
1.01 - The Long Road, Part I (jms)
1.02 - The Long Road, Part II (jms)
1.03 - Man Of Iron, Woman Under Glass (jms)
1.04 - And The Ground Sown With Salt (jms)
1.05 - To Sail Beyond The Stars (jms)
1.06 - The Bag (se)
1.07 - City Of Roses (se)
1.08 - Firewall (jms)
1.09 - The Red Kiss (se)
1.10 - Journeys End In Lovers Meeting (jms)
1.11 - Thieve´s Honor (se)
1.12 - The Touch (se)
1.13 - Mother Of Invention (b/k)
1.14 - Tripwire (jms)
1.15 - Ring Of Truth (se)
1.16 - Moon In Gemini
1.17 - Out Of The Ashes
1.18 - A Means To An End
1.19 - Things Left Unsaid, Part I (jms)
1.20 - Things Left Unsaid, Part II (jms)

jms = J. Michael Straczynski
se = Sam Egan
b/k = Sara Barnes / Al Katz
ITs nice to know we still have 2 1/2 months of new Jerimiah episodes left. Remember the days where every single show's seasons ended and you had to wait months for new episodes of anything.

Im glad Jerimiah, Farscape, Stargate and Witchblade all have new episodes coming up

Yeah, except that they wrote Daniel Jackson out of Stargate last night. What'sup wi'dat? Yeah, sure, he was the whiny guy, but after five seasons it'll be disturbing to change the mix.

Looking forward to Witchblade again, although I was disturbed by the way they ended season one. That seemed too much like cheating. Hasn't Farscape's season finale already come and gone?
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Theophilus:
<font color=yellow>Yeah, except that they wrote Daniel Jackson out of Stargate last night. What'sup wi'dat? Yeah, sure, he was the whiny guy, but after five seasons it'll be disturbing to change the mix. </font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Showtime will replace SG-1's time slot with Oddessy 5 in late June, the 21st I believe. Jeremiah will remain in its current time slot when this happens (as far as I know.) SG-1, Season 6, will begin airing on Scifi, Friday, June 7, at 9 PM EDT.

As for writing Daniel out of SG-1, it was his decision to leave SG-1 when his contract was up at the end of Season 5. It's reported he will show up two or three times during Season 6, (in his new "higher plane" state) to help the team out of trouble.
Thanks GermanSinclair! I am still trying to catch up from my little holiday that I took last week.

Now I wish they would give out production numbers so I can match up the episodes with titles. *sigh*
11 excellent episodes have aired. To me at least there hasnt been 1 really bad episode in the bunch

Wow, I own the fandom? Hehe, don't freak me out! /ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif
Well damn it. I have the so called "scandic location handycap"
so Jeremiah is not on our channels, well atleast not yet. But thanks to some really nice dood I've been able to see the first 5 episodes. But I'm afraid that's it since there are no more episodes in my "connection" to get.