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Episodes 7-9? (cut & moved)

Ok, I'll say this one more time. Then I won't say it again. That article is true.

Ill say this one more time. Then I wont say it again:


I asked you to post these "supposed" articles. You posted nothing. Someone else posted a link that was nothing more than a fan "make a wish" site.

If you have this proof, POST IT. SHOW US.

Otherwise it is nothing more than a bunch of Star Wars fans circling around a wishing well hoping for a better trilogy than the pre-quel's turned out to be.

Seriously, for all the comments you have made above, you have never once posted anything in regards to where you heard this. Doesn't do much for the old creditability...
Seriously, for all the comments you have made above, you have never once posted anything in regards to where you heard this. Doesn't do much for the old creditability...
Recoil repeated requests for the identity of a secret source show neither common sense nor ethics.
Excuse me Andrew? Show me where above that I asked him to reveal his "secret source?"

Here are quotes from above by ColonyEarth:
Nope...search the web my friend it's real.

That article is true. It has been reported elsewhere. Look at the date...that is old news. I have personally, since seen articles and a live interview with Carrie Fisher about this subject.

He stated TWICE that all I have to do is "search the web" to find this "proof." He said the article is true, and that it has been reported "elsewhere" as well. Also that he has seen articles. I searched. I found nothing. Sinclair above searched. He found nothing.

I simply called CE out and asked him to show these "articles" and he has posted absolutely ZERO in response, other than some mystery source who says every Star Wars fan's dream is coming true.

Sorry, but this is typical fanboy nonsense. How many times have there been rumors spread about ANY movie where "someone heard from a friend in the industry" that a project is "going to happen for sure" and never does. It happens ALL THE TIME. There isn't a shread of evidence on this, and when I called CE out, he never did post all these articles he read. And sorry, Carrie Fisher is the last person I would consider a credible source, so quoting something she said in an Interview doesnt mean shit. Can anyone here say Jerry Doyle? I think you can. Remember Jerry saying he was a part of a new project for B5 that turned out to be complete nonsense? HE was never involved in anything, but that didn't stop him from yapping in interviews and on the radio.

Lastly, there is nothing "unethical" about me simply asking someone where they read this rumor. The fact that he has posted several times afterward without showing us those links just verifies that this is nothing more than a fan-started rumor from the Star Wars make-a-wish foundation.
I just headed over to the official site, starwars.com, and here's what I found on their FAQ page:

Episode VII and Beyond
Wasn't Star Wars going to be nine or more parts? Will sequels be made set after Return of the Jedi?
Early on in the saga's development, some thought was given to have a trilogy set after Return of the Jedi. George Lucas has long since changed his mind, and the entire Star Wars saga will now encompass six episodes, starting with The Phantom Menace, and ending with Return of the Jedi. There will be no future Star Wars films set after Return of the Jedi.

The official site is generally a pretty good and up-to-date source. With that kind of statement from the horse's mouth, as it were, I'm going to have to see a LOT of evidence before I believe new movie rumors.
I found pretty much the same info. Of course the interview, or partial one that I found was dated way back in '98, but it quoted Lucas as saying that he would only do 6 parts instead of 9. He said the story would unfold with only 6 and he never really planned on doing 9.
I found this interesting tidbit over at the Holonet at theforce.net.

Star Wars TV Series in 2006
Thu, Apr 29, 04 01:51:10 AM EDT
We're continuing to hear about the direction for Lucasfilm and Star Wars post-Episode III. While there won't be more movies, we continue to hear the move is to TV. Sources are now telling us that there WILL be a TV series in 2006.
They don't know whether it'll be live-action, animated or both - Lucasfilm itself will decide on this later this year!
I found this interesting tidbit over at the Holonet at theforce.net.

Star Wars TV Series in 2006
Thu, Apr 29, 04 01:51:10 AM EDT
We're continuing to hear about the direction for Lucasfilm and Star Wars post-Episode III. While there won't be more movies, we continue to hear the move is to TV. Sources are now telling us that there WILL be a TV series in 2006.
They don't know whether it'll be live-action, animated or both - Lucasfilm itself will decide on this later this year!

Now this is something I have heard about. I honestly can't remember where I originally read this, and even now I'm skeptical about its veracity. Theforce.net is usually somewhat reliable with their info, but I still won't believe anything until I see an official announcement at Starwars.com or Lucasfilm itself.
Interesting. I have read something similar. I seriously doubt it will have any of the Ep4 - 6 characters (many are getting too old, and frankly some have "outgrown" a mere TV series). I wonder if they would do some of the "new order Jedi" or the "next generation of solo's" or something...
If it ends up being animated, I think I could see Mark Hamill doing it. Over the years, he's become fairly well-known for doing voice work (and enjoying doing it) for animated programs and video games.
Ok...I've stated that I can't recall where or when I read the article from a European magazine with Fisher. I will continue to try to find it. Until then...I don't give a shit if you buy my statements or not. I'm telling you mainly info from an inside source.

If you doubt the validity of my source, then I give you this:

I stated here and at the WB B5 forum about a month or two before the official announcement that BG already had 13 eps gauranteed and that all of the mini-series cast signed back on. I stated that my inside source knew this and that the series was a done deal before the mini-series even hit the air. No one believed me then. About a month or so after that, the "official" announcement came. And lo and behold, it is that the BG series has been greenlit, with 13 eps and all of the cast re-signed. I knew this info when the mini-series aired, but was told to say nothing. I waited for a month or so and leaked it in a way that my source couldn't get in trouble. As I said, no one believed me then either. But the source was dead on.

As for the series mentioned on the SW website...at one time about three months ago a particular series GL was trying to do was a Knights of the Old Republic type series, but has since fallen through. Now, (oh, and I knew about a second season on the "Clone Wars" cartoons a ways back, just didn't care to mention it cause I didn't care) the series is being pitched to HBO, though FX wants it as well. It will be done it seems like BG, with shortened seasons and more emphasis placed on making fewer eps better. Word from my source (and I only got this info today) is that it's going to be the NJO and that the first two seasons are strictly arced and outlined. While we will not, at least at this point, see the original cast characters in the series, we will hear about them repeatedly, but will mainly follow the Solo kids, etc. This new series will in fact help to set up the new trilogy. How this will all work out in the end I don't know. I can only tell you what my source tells me.

AND STOP FRELLING CALLING ME SOME STUPID FANBOY! It's rude. I'm not imagining this and I don't go searching the net for rumors of any kind....especially since I think it's BORING and I have lost a lot of my expectations from SW because of the pre-quels. I have more important things to do with my own films and work to play searchy-searchy rumor-mill tripe. Why would I care to carry rumors (that I could never have seen since I don't look for them) to you when I don't pay half attention to what my source says when they're going on about details. I pick up on the big stuff. If the subject comes up, I share it when I'm thinking about it. Sorry you feel the need to jump my shit, so from now on...if anyone cares to hear anything... tough....I don't promote rumor and don't care one way or the other.

I can share my source's info, but not if I'm attacked personally for it. So...if you want to know...PM me. Maybe I'll tell if you my source tells me anything. Till then...I'm done. The above info is the last. Hope it's good for you, because this has become less than a pleasant thing for me.


I feel the desire to say something, but I just can't seem to think of much of anything. Through claiming that you have an insider source that's thrown morsels of information your way, you easily sound like so many other people who've claimed to know someone on the inside when it comes to Star Wars. That you've pretty much thrown a tantrum over people not believing you when the extent of your information is that we should just believe you because you've got a source will most likely lead us to believe you even less.

Instead of saying that you heard this and anticipating that we all would take it to be rumor, you get upset that we don't unreseveredly accept it as truth and fact. A PPOR (Post Proof Or Retract) was issued (without using that term exactly), yet you didn't provide anything that could even come close to proof, so it could easily have been anticipated that we wouldn't believe you.
I feel the desire to say something, but I just can't seem to think of much of anything. Through claiming that you have an insider source that's thrown morsels of information your way, you easily sound like so many other people who've claimed to know someone on the inside when it comes to Star Wars. That you've pretty much thrown a tantrum over people not believing you when the extent of your information is that we should just believe you because you've got a source will most likely lead us to believe you even less.

How many times have I stated, I don't care if you believe me or not. My "tantrum" as you call it, is because my honesty and my name was being insulted. I've never lied to anyone here at this forum or anywhere else. I have no cause to. I don't seek to be set up on some cyber pedestal as some source guru. I thought I would share what I knew at some peril to my source mind you since Lucas is in head rolling mood these days over the Indy leak.

Like it or don't. My anger is because I was being insulted. If you cannot understand that...then I have nothing else to say.
I have nothing else to say.

How many times are you going to say that you're done talking about this?

How many times have I stated, I don't care if you believe me or not.

For all your not caring, you certainly have made plenty of rather long posts in this thread going on and on about it that makes it seem otherwise.
I have nothing else to say.

How many times are you going to say that you're done talking about this?

Ok, the first time I was referring to the SW info I get from time to time. The second time, I was referring to having nothing more to say pertaining to your apparent ignorance as to why I might be upset. I see some things haven't changed there.

How many times have I stated, I don't care if you believe me or not.

For all your not caring, you certainly have made plenty of rather long posts in this thread going on and on about it that makes it seem otherwise.

I continued to post info at the request of others in the forum and state what I could to back up my statements when and where I could because I was being called a liar and rumormill. Defending oneself and continuing to state information because someone asks one to is not the same thing as caring whether or not you believe said info. I don't care of you do or don't, but don't insult me publically if you choose not to believe me.

You're mixing apples and oranges. I see you're one of those people who has to have the last word so you feel as if you're correct. That's fine. I have continued to defend my name and will do so if it is attacked again. However, I warn you, if the attacks continue against me, I will get nasty...and I don't think anyone wants that.

So...where does that leave us? It leaves us exactly where we were in the beginning. You either agree with me or believe me...or you don't. Either way, no skin off my nose. But do not impugn my honesty, then it's personal.


The second time, I was referring to having nothing more to say pertaining to your apparent ignorance as to why I might be upset. I see some things haven't changed there.

Well, excuse me for being rather stuck in trying to deal with your apparent ignorance as to why we would doubt you. [sarcasm] It's not like people have tried to say they had an inside source that tells them what's going on that have turned out to be loads of hooey before. [/sarcasm] You are nothing but a screenname. There's no reason we should believe you, yet you developed a problem when you were asked to provide proof of your facts. Since only your "honest word" was provided, we remain highly skeptical. Instead of acknowledging it and understanding how no proof and prior experience with people claiming similar things leading to lack of belief in your report, you saw it all as an assault of your honesty. The thing is we have no reason to believe you, and that's not our problem.
The second time, I was referring to having nothing more to say pertaining to your apparent ignorance as to why I might be upset. I see some things haven't changed there.

Well, excuse me for being rather stuck in trying to deal with your apparent ignorance as to why we would doubt you. [sarcasm] It's not like people have tried to say they had an inside source that tells them what's going on that have turned out to be loads of hooey before. [/sarcasm] You are nothing but a screenname. There's no reason we should believe you, yet you developed a problem when you were asked to provide proof of your facts. Since only your "honest word" was provided, we remain highly skeptical. Instead of acknowledging it and understanding how no proof and prior experience with people claiming similar things leading to lack of belief in your report, you saw it all as an assault of your honesty. The thing is we have no reason to believe you, and that's not our problem.

Since I am still looking for the article, I did offer my previous leak from the same source on BG as some support for my source. Then I said believe me or not. It is the personal style attacks that offend me. That is what you do not seem to get. I've said, I don't care if you believe my source. I've offered all I can. I've never lied to anyone here or at the other forums so why would someone believe that I was? God, you're tainted.

Sad really, isn't it? :(

I don't care what happens in the SW universe since I've lost a lot of faith in GL on the matter. But I thought I would share info told me and that I had heard from a source that had been previously accurate on more than one occasion with me.

All I ask is that you folks stop attacking my honesty and my integrity. Period. Or...here ya go...ask someone who knows me better if I would throw out BS in the forum for some lame form of popularity before you pounce. There are people here who know me somewhat..and some who I think know me pretty damn well. Ask them.
Ok, fine, you're right, regardless that word-of-mouth information from your personal life doesn't translate into any form of concrete proof. We should all just automatically believe you just because you say so.

My advice is the next time you have something to share that the only backup you have to provide for us is that someone told you that, anticipate people not believing you if you provide no other evidence.
I never asked anyone to simply believe me. If I were, in fact, trying to increase some delusional sense of ego by "leaking" info about SW to everyone, I would be doing it all over the net. I'm not.

It came up and I simply thought I would share a bit of info with my friends here at B5tv that was given to me by a friend. I usually don't share what my friend tells me. The only other time I've really done that was with the BG thing.

My source doesn't tell me things so I can go "leak" it out all over the web. He tells me things as a friend does. What's going on in his world and what he's seen and is doing. I figured, here with my friends, I could and would share a bit of that since we're kind of a little B5 family.

Sorry if it upset you all to the point that you felt you had to jump me for it.

If I were going around listing out wild claims all the time all over the place I could see why people would doubt me.

I don't do that...I figured that I had gotten to know you folks pretty good and vice versa, so I could tell you some of what a friend told me in confidence. Guess I was wrong.

Don't worry, it won't happen again. I don't need to boost my ego...it's just fine, thank you.

Have a great day everyone.

Peace to all.


Oh and to clarify one issue I feel is still hanging a bit. I'm sorry Recoil for telling you to "search the web" for an interview with Fisher (whom you later stated you wouldn't believe anyway). I thought I had read it on the web. After talking to a friend who I discuss SF with, he recalled that a fellow co-worker of ours is the one who showed me the article. As soon as I have a chance to find out where it was that I saw it...I will let you know. I really thought I saw it on the web. My memory on where I read things sometimes is, as with a lot of people, a bit vague sometimes. I searched and couldn't find it either, which is what lead me to speak with my friend about it. He also recalled the interview but could not recall its source. I will continue to try to find it if I can.

I did state that the article and my "source" where two seperate entities.
I'm just glad CE has promised to PM me when he has info he'd like to share. :D

I do hoep the new project pans out, too.
Mostly because it won't have GL involved. :rolleyes:

Too bad CE doesn't have any info on the mysterious TMoS. :(
Too bad CE doesn't have any info on the mysterious TMoS. :(

Don't you know it...GREAT MAKER I wish I did, too. :D I would only share it though...not lord it over people. ;)

I too am glad, Hypatia, that GL seems to have gotten over his need to write or direct. What a relief.

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