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FahrenHYPE 9/11: my impression


This is a documentary rebuttal of Fahrenheit 9/11. Most of it is talking heads and news footage. Ron Silver narrates.

The good:
<ul type="square">[*]It brings up distortions, and provides information on them. If you don't want to read, it's a good summary.
[*]The Bush vacation segment is funny.
[*]The teacher was good. They should have talked more about what the Service and the rest of the government was doing. (I guess a 9/11 documentary or the 9/11 report would be for that)
[*]Meeting some of the people who got in Fahernheit 9/11 without their knowledge. (No, it's not illegal.)
[*]Rather level-headed.
[*]"Norwegian women in wheelchairs" (I'm Norwegian, so I live in fear of them every day. :p)
The bad:
<ul type="square">
[*]Most of the points have allready been covered in the David Koppel article.
[*]It's hardly as enteraining as it could have been. I have more hopes for a movie being reviewed on Ebert & Roeper tonight. *
[*]I'm not so sure on the "877"
[*]We get to hear "Let the eagle soar" again :( [/list]

The ugly:
[*]Ann Coulter features. :mad: Why? Any other pundit would do.

EDIT: *: EDIT: Two thumbs up from Roger Ebert and Richard Roeper, for (don't let the title fool ya): Michael Moore Hates America :eek:
I was checking out the DVDs at Sam's Club. They had Hype 9/11, but not Heit 9/11. I guess we know which side that corporation is on. Fahrenheit 9/11 is going to be on the internet on Monday, since MM couldn't get it on broadcast, or cable, so, anyone can get it for free.
Re: Sam's Club. If they're a rental store, maybe they're taking part in the free rental of Heit 9/11 offer? That would account for a rental store being out. Fahrenheit for Free

It's been on the internet for a long time. He told us that he doesn't agree with copyright law and can copy it as much as we like, as long as we don't make a profit. There's even a "facts fixed" version of the first part, with superimposed articles and a bullhorn going off whenever there's something wrong.
I was checking out the DVDs at Sam's Club. They had Hype 9/11, but not Heit 9/11. I guess we know which side that corporation is on. Fahrenheit 9/11 is going to be on the internet on Monday, since MM couldn't get it on broadcast, or cable, so, anyone can get it for free.
I am sorry that is such BS, you walked into ONE sams club and cause you only found what 1 or a few copies of hype and none of heit. Did you even ask one of the workers if they had copies of heit? Like say it was on a special display ?

Firstly couple things the store itself has a choice of what it will stock. To better serve its local market and the corperation dosen't have asay. Which is further looking on samsclub.com I can't find Heit or Hype online they have no documentries at all and doing a search of 9/11 comes up with the 9/11 report. So basicly the sams club website dosen't have either, and all we have is one store supposedly having a few copies of one over the other. With out the list of possibilites that maybe they had both but Heit sells better than hype. And you just came in at a bad time

Now looking at Walmarts selection since sams club and Walmart are partners together. WOW, look what is listed at the top right of the doucmentry section. Then furhter looking i see No Hype or Micheal moore hates america , sorry to use your words but " I guess we know which side that corporation is on" and oh I thought walmart was all evil and republican. Of course I would be wrong since i am ignoreing the fact that Moore is more main stream seller, than say either of those films.

Now if you want a bias place go look at Overstock.com (tough overstock is sort of offical seller of Hype) or why don you walk into any barnes and noble and see what type of books do they have on those tables on the big piles right near the door.
They are cases of favioritism but this with a genereal store like Sams Club you are truely drawing at straws.
Okay, I'll admit I jumped to a conclusion. I didn't expect to find either in the store, but I found probably about 20 copies of Hype, in two small bins, no special display. Since Heit is surely the best seller, from a business standpoint, one would expect them to carry it, if they were going to carry either. If you've shopped at a Sam's Club, judging ONLY by the one here, you would know that finding an employee, in most parts of the store, is next to impossible, but I could have gone and stood in line at the service desk to ask. In my area, Michael Moore is very popular, so if they are allowed to tailor their inventory, you would think they would carry it. I haven't discussed it with anyone at Sam's, but employees at both Meijer's and KMart have told me that their corporate offices decide what to send a store, so they get stuck with lots of things that won't sell, and can't get more of some things that sell very well.

I did know that Overstock.com, with whom I have done business , is hyping Hype, and it did seem to me that they were exhibiting a corporate bias in the way they are doing it.

Sam Walton was known to be rather conservative, and his Walmart Stores have been charged, and convicted of, some rather brutal work practices. My local Sams was selling a small, independently made, right wing film, with no proven track record, but had no copies of, or empty shelf space for, a very popular film on the other end of the political spectrum, very popular in my area. So, I jumped to the conclusion that it was due to the corporation's political leanings. You're right, there are many other possible explanations why it might not be there, such as being sold out, or maybe they couldn't get it cheap enough to sell at a lower Sam's Club type price. But, even though Walmart does sell it, since purchasing for the two different branches of the corporation is most likely handled by a different person, it could still have been a political decision, and we'll never know.

I do know of one corporation which has admitted its censorship of films, and that is Blockbuster. They actually have special editions made, of popular films, to cut out things they find objectionable, sometimes for religious reasons, and don't advise the public of it on the product. Or they don't carry the film at all. So, hang me for being too cynical.

Addendum: I just found a news item, Dated 10/22, that Wal-Mart isn't selling the Daily Show book "America (The Book)" in their stores, but is selling it on line. A company spokesman said that their online customers were a different audience, and that the company wanted to give an option to people looking to buy the book from Wal-Mart. One might interpret that as them not having it in their stores, which are sometimes the main retail outlet in an area, and other options are reduced, so, they might reduce sales in the area. But, selling it on line, where there is easy availability from others, so, buyers would get it anyway. I'll admit, that is still an unproven conclusion, but seems a reasonable possibility to me.
I do know of one corporation which has admitted its censorship of films, and that is Blockbuster. They actually have special editions made, of popular films, to cut out things they find objectionable, sometimes for religious reasons, and don't advise the public of it on the product. Or they don't carry the film at all. So, hang me for being too cynical.

Wow, that's news to me. Another reason I am glad we use Hollywood Video instead of Blockbuster
Decal, I just heard on the news that Wal-Mart won't be carrying George Carlin's book When will Jesus bring the porkchops? because they say they don't like the parody of The Last Supper painting, on the cover. Seems to me like there might be a pattern developing here. But, it IS their right, to not sell the works of popular liberals, if they don't want to.
(well i get to that previous post you had but later but your most recent one)
A sorry buddy a bit of a diffrence , betwen by trying to be FAMILY FRIENDLY, christian friendly as is king to walmart, just look at their music aisle and being Democratic or Republican Biased. If you equate them as a same you have problems. Right now their a strong assoication of the christians with the Right but their just as much with the left. Quite a bit of diffrence of carrying something that might denigrate someone religion than something that is just polotical . And walmart tries to go for that wholesome family friendly.
And I find it so ironic that WalMart tries to cultivate that "happy family" atmosphere while running lots of family businesses out by moving into a community, then claiming they'll be better for the economy than those mom and pop places, and then treating their workers like crap.

The only happy family involved in the WalMart chain is the Walton family. And while I think Sam Walton's just confused about where his priorities lie, WalMart still makes me a bit sick.
Right now their a strong assoication of the christians with the Right but their just as much with the left.

Well, yeah. How often do you see liberal Christians protesting music and film? Sure there are Democrat Christians, but they're more likely to leave people the hell alone. They may not buy Carlin's book, but they won't make a big stink about it if Walmart sells it.