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Familiar *ahem*, bedfellows?

I was watching the Season 4 disk set and needed to take a break. When I switched to the TV, I saw Bruce Boxleitner running up a starway with gun drawn. He was chasing a guy that looked like Leatherface. Anyway, this was a 1991 movie called "Deadly Vision". I watched Bruce shoot the badguy 9 times and then the credits started running. About 5 names down:

Hooker.... Maggie Egan

There's an ISN exclusive for ya.
Interesting. Not they had any scenes together. She was always on a monitor screen. She was my favorite of the ISN talking heads, though.
It's sad too, when you think about that old Hollywood sexism, just how many actresses today have the screen credit "Hooker" somewhere deep in there resume?

Claudia might have one. She always complained about being cast as scifi hookers.
Maggie Egan also played a smallish part in "Communion," the Whitley Streiber alien-abduction film that featured Andreas Katsulas in a supporting role.

Not like anyone cares about this but me, but after I posted the bit about Maggie Egan in Communion with Andreas, I remembered that she also had a small role in Executive Decision, in which Andreas plays the head terrorist guy whose release is negotiated as a major part of the plot. In this one, Maggie plays...a CNN reporter!

I'm sure there are lots of other projects in which B5 actors crossed paths before B5 even existed. We can't forget Tron, which brought Bruce Boxleitner and Peter Jurasik together for the first time!

One that I was recently reminded of is the 1990 color remake of Night of the Living Dead which not only featured Pat Tallman (in the role that brought her to JMS's attention and led to his writing the part of Lyta Alexander for the actress with the "telepath's eyes") but also Tony (A Call to Arms) Todd. He commanded an Earthforce destroyer and ultimately the prototype advanced destroyer Victory in the TV movie.


One that I was recently reminded of is the 1990 color remake of Night of the Living Dead which not only featured Pat Tallman (in the role that brought her to JMS's attention and led to his writing the part of Lyta Alexander for the actress with the "telepath's eyes")

Huh. Interesting. That's a bit of trivia of which I wasn't aware. I love the original and thought the remake was dreadful; I guess Pat's lucky that Joe stuck with it long enough to appreciate her performance.

but also Tony (A Call to Arms) Todd. He commanded an Earthforce destroyer and ultimately the prototype advanced destroyer Victory in the TV movie.

Oh, right. Tony Todd was in that, too. Every time I see him in _anything_, I've taken to calling him "Captain Candyman" ("Captain" from his role in "A Call to Arms"; "Candyman" from, well, "Candyman"). My group of friends has picked it up as well, so it's a wonder we can remember the poor man's _actual_ name now!


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