Best Confirmation Of A 'Farscape' Project Yet
Author: Michael Hinman
Date: 03-03-2004
Source: SyFy Portal
It seems almost impossible to get details on what's going on in Sydney, Australia on the set of what is rumored to be a "Farscape" miniseries, but one design company is talking.
"We once again have assumed the identity of the Henson Creature shop in Sydney and are in the final throes of the 'Farscape' miniseries," said a statement on the official Web site of Image Creative Workshop, the company that does creature creation and the like. "Only a couple of weeks to go till completion. We have produced 22 episodes worth of work in four mini-movies, so get ready for Farscape on acid! It's been an experience we will never forget."
There still is no word on when the miniseres will air, and if it will be aired on Sci-Fi Channel or somewhere else. In fact, no truly official announcement has ever been made on the miniseries, but outside of the plot, it's one of the worst kept secrets in entertainment right now.
Bring it on, baby!