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Farscape's back!


Farscape\'s back!

This october, "Farscape, the peacekeeper chronicles." or something to that effect

Party! :D
Re: Farscape\'s back!

It's called Farscape The Peacekeeper Wars, but yeah, it's coming! I'm given to understand that the SciFiChannel showed a spot for it during the Stargate SG-1 season premier tonight, which I was able to download from this (click me) website (go a bit more than halfway down to find the downloading links listed as "MiniFarscape Promo for 7/9/04 (MPG version 9.42 MB) (Windows Media version 832 KB)").
Re: Farscape\'s back!

I saw it during the SG-1 season premier, ty though. Even if its not a series, still better than nothing;)

*Continues to parties
Re: Farscape\'s back!

Ehh, I stopped watching Farscape when I heard they were canceled. I was just in no mood to be left hanging by another show. I'm still not sure I want to see what I missed even if this does provide an ending. Too much time lapsed.
Re: Farscape\'s back!

Wow I'm excited i've just joined this site and good news already
Re: Farscape\'s back!

Ehh, I stopped watching Farscape when I heard they were canceled. I was just in no mood to be left hanging by another show. I'm still not sure I want to see what I missed even if this does provide an ending. Too much time lapsed.

Your loss, dude. You've missed some great SF! Too bad. :(


Re: Farscape\'s back!

I agree, a full season would be nice, but this did look cool even from the brief trailer. Farscape hit a forte with it's final episodes, the Scarran's were excellent. Good to see them all back and looking ugly...
Re: Farscape\'s back!

Ehh, I stopped watching Farscape when I heard they were canceled. I was just in no mood to be left hanging by another show.

I was a bit worried about that myself only to discover that the S4 'cliffhanger' was somewhat artificial and that the season actually wrapped up most of the ongoing plot threads.

Still I'm very happy to be getting more Farscape.

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