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Favorite B5 reference on other shows etc.

Anybody want to guess the name of the series?
I haven't looked at the RealPlayer clip, but I'm guessing it's Captain Power. Babylon 5 was the name of one of the few remaining human colonies.

It's not really part of the B5 universe.
We have a winner!

Yes ... Captain Power was not part of the B5 universe, but, it contained many elements that were subsequently used in the B5 saga and like B5, Netter Digital did all the CGI for Captain Power also.

Want to know more about Captain Power?
go here: www.CaptainPower.com
Wasn't "Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future" the show that marketed toy ships that could shoot at the TV screen and the TV would shoot back? That's really all I remember about the show, but I thought the idea was so cool. I think I saw one episode when I was 9 or 10. I guess I just didn't appreciate good writing back then. :)

Besides, I didn't have one of the electronic spaceships, so why watch!? ;)
I had two of the ships...Capt. Power and his white ship and Lord Dread and his black ship. It was a blast (literally!) My buddies and I would switch to one on one mode and chase each other all over the house shooting wildly.

Although, after a while the sensors got so banged up that they wouldn't work with the TV show anymore, and my dad had an aerial antenna so some saturdays it was too poor reception for the "shooting back" part to work.

one thing that bugged me as a kid was how I could never shoot the pterodactyl looking bad guy enough times to kill him. No matter how many dozens of scores I got on him (he was a large target on screen) I couldn't kill him before he attacked Capt. power. Man, he was intimidating...those eyes....THOSE EYES!

okay, I'm better now. I still have my Lord Dread figure, but the planes are long gone unfortunately.