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FINAL Cover Art for Season 5 set released!

i like her with bangs too. with all of her hair pulled back she looks like a Raging Dyke (not that that is necessarily a bad thing) I also liked Ivanova with her hair down. something about how it frames their face. it just looks better. and now that i've put my 2 cents in i'll get down off my little soap box :LOL: :p

Ivanova/CC looks great with her hair pulled back. Lochley/Scoggins just can't pull off that look very well.
Byron :mad: :mad: WTF
I'm gonna skip most of his episodes anyway.
If that dickweed character gets on the cover, then definately more liked characters like Lorien should have made the S4 cover.

Here's the cover image from Amazon. At least there's some Vorchans and Sunhawks on the cover.
Not everyone hates Byron. And he did have a huge impact on the whole show's telepath story arc, so I can see the reasoning behind having him on the coverbox and don't mind it. I do kind of think he would have been better on the back than on the front; Lyta should have had a spot on the front instead.
Lyta's glowing eyes are pretty cool. I love that one scene of her in Garibaldi's quarters when he wakes up from sleeping and she's just sitting there. That scene really starts to push the issue that she's way more than a normal telepath. Lyta's story arc is one of the more important and powerful ones for me out of the fifth season; I find myself identifying with her and what she goes through a lot.
I wasn't the biggest Byron fan, but looking at the englarged picture above, I do think its a decent picture of him and not a bad idea on for the cover. First off, he has this very menacing look in his eyes, letting you know that while he enters with good intentions, he is trouble. Second, he is the last picture and very small, which really does indicate it is more of a background story in the Season. Not badly done IMO.
From kin_of_zathras:

Here's the cover image from Amazon. At least there's some Vorchans and Sunhawks on the cover.

Oh, it is Byron! I couldn't tell from the small picture of the DVD cover art, which I saw before.

Please, Joe D., tell Pat Tallman I'm sorry! :eek:
Yes, it's a shame that Lyta doesn't appear on the front cover, considering the importance of her role in Season 5. Oh what could have been... :p

Nice pick, but Lyta was featured prominently on the S3 cover - and she was in, what?, one episode? :) So it sorta balances out. And you could hardly put Byron or Lochley - both important characters in S5 - on the cover for any other seasons. WB had to "spread the wealth" a bit and they did not slight Lyta as they arguably did Vir, Zack or Corwin. (And they probably only had so much wiggle room since they obviously had to feature Sheridan on S2-S5, and contracts or participation in extras may have influenced who had to appear on other covers.)


Oh, I totally agree Joe. It was a delicate balance, but WB did a very good job of handling who appeared on each of the covers.
Oh, I totally agree Joe. It was a delicate balance, but WB did a very good job of handling who appeared on each of the covers.

And don't forget, it is virtually certain that JMS also signed-off on the cover art. Warner Home Video at least extended that much courtesy to JMS even on the VHS and LD releases, where they otherwise kept him out of the loop, and he's been much more involved with the DVDs.


The big picture of Byron makes me ill...

From drakh13's post, I'd have taken the picture of Lyta, reduced its size and put it on the final coverart version where the Byron picture is.
From drakh13's post, I'd have taken the picture of Lyta, reduced its size and put it on the final coverart version where the Byron picture is.

Given your own choice, you'd have put Lyta on every cover ;)
From drakh13's post, I'd have taken the picture of Lyta, reduced its size and put it on the final coverart version where the Byron picture is.

Given your own choice, you'd have put Lyta on every cover ;)

Naah, just Seasons 3, 4, and 5. :D

Nothing to do with Pat/Lyta, but can't wait 'till we get to see some official Crusade cover art. :)