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Finally! "Indiana Jones"

Re: Finally! \"Indiana Jones\"

Shame the extra material seems a bit lame. No directors commentary, for example. The press release makes no mention of the films being in anamorphic widescreen, though Bill Hunt at The Digital Bits is confident that the set will be in anamorphic widescreen.
Anyway, while the extras may be light, at least the films have finally made it to DVD.

Shame Mr Lucas doesn't wan't us to see the original Star Wars trilogy on DVD though.
Re: Finally! \"Indiana Jones\"

Hot damn! It's about time. I'm surprised they are releasing them so soon, since Lucas has said that the original Star Wars trilogy won't be released until after Episode III comes out (maybe Spielberg had something to do with it). And even then he's said that fans won't see the original 'Han shoots first' and such on DVD.

Anyway, it'll be great to finally see them out on DVD and it'll be interesting to see what special features they have to offer.
Re: Finally! \"Indiana Jones\"

The press release makes no mention of the films being in anamorphic widescreen, though Bill Hunt at The Digital Bits is confident that the set will be in anamorphic widescreen.

The link that Joe gave does indeed say that the films will be in both widescreen and fullscreen formats.
Re: Finally! \"Indiana Jones\"

The link that Joe gave does indeed say that the films will be in both widescreen and fullscreen formats.

But it doesn't specify anamorphic widescreen. However anamorphic is very nearly a given for major studio releases these days, unlike the early days of the format. (When studios like Disney and Fox actually had policies against doing anamorphic transfers.) The rare non-anamorphic widescreen releases these days are old LD transfers being ported to DVD at minimal cost, or films being issued under license by third parties who have no control over the kinds of source material they're given. Or those in the trick 1.66:1 aspect ratio. These days, aside from these exceptions, you can be pretty sure that if it's widescreen, it's anamorphic.


Re: Finally! \"Indiana Jones\"

These days, aside from these exceptions, you can be pretty sure that if it's widescreen, it's anamorphic.

That's absolutely true. But I have seen "anamorphic", or "16:9 enhanced" appear in other press releases before now, so in the Indy release it was conspicuous by its absence.
I emailed The Digital Bits for their take on it, and they said it's definitely anamorphic. They're a pretty well established and well respected site with good contacts. So if they say it's so, it probably is!

Re: Finally! \"Indiana Jones\"

I can't wait! I've had them on VHS forever and have been looking forwawrd to the day when I could get them on DVD. And I think I can spare the 50 bucks. :D
Re: Finally! \"Indiana Jones\"

Not gonna happen, pal. I do believe he has said that the special editions are what is going to be seen from now on.
Too bad, I really like the originals better. I'm personally getting sick of Lucas and Spielberg "improving" the special effects in their movies. Next think you know, Paramount will reissue ST:TOS with new, updated SFX. :D
Re: Finally! \"Indiana Jones\"

Actually Lucas has been making noises about releasing his definitive version of "episodes 4, 5 and 6", which will tie them even more closely into the newer "first three" films and give the whole set (when eventually released on DVD) a more unified look. In other words, the Special Editions of a few years ago did not represent his final word on the subject.

However, there are indications that George, like his pal Steven S., may be willing to listen to fans to some extent. Just as Speilberg bowed to pressure and allowed the original "guns and all" version of E.T. to be released, there are indications out of Skywalker Ranch that George may allow something like the final pre-SE THX laserdisc set of the original trilogy to be released on DVD - for "archival purposes" and to appease older fans.

We'll have to see. We've got a lot of time before "Episode III" is finally released, and that has to happen before George will devote any substantial time to the original 3 on DVD.


Re: Finally! \"Indiana Jones\"

I'd be happy with the special editions on DVD, so long as Lucas removed the stupid Han shoots first scene, and got rid of that terrible Jaba the Hutt scene.

John Williams is also allegedly doing some rescoring for Episode IV: A New Hope. e.g., he wants to include Vaders theme/Imperial March, which I think is a good idea as it's a theme that's developed in episodes 1 to 3, and used in 5 and 6.
Re: Finally! \"Indiana Jones\"

Agree with the "Greedo shoots first" scene. Jabba, I can live with, if only for the "human being" line! :LOL:

Empire was pretty much a wash.

For Jedi, I'd like to see the original "Yub yub" ending with the Ewok Celebration. Just for the nostagia factor. The Jedi Rocks segment should die a slow painful death. Lapti Nek was da bomb! :cool:

Lucas is throwing away a fortune. I'd probably break down and buy both versions on DVD. :eek:
Re: Finally! \"Indiana Jones\"

Agree with the "Greedo shoots first" scene. Jabba, I can live with, if only for the "human being" line! :LOL:
OK, I could live with the Jabba scene so long as they redid the effects for it. The Jabba in Episode 4 looks so bad, they could do so much better now.

For Jedi, I'd like to see the original "Yub yub" ending with the Ewok Celebration. Just for the nostagia factor.
I definitely prefer the special edition ending for Jedi.

The Jedi Rocks segment should die a slow painful death. Lapti Nek was da bomb! :cool:

Lucas is throwing away a fortune. I'd probably break down and buy both versions on DVD. :eek:

I would too. I don't have Star Wars on VHS any more, so I only ever get to see it when it's on TV. If they were on DVD now in some form I'd buy them straight away, and just end up buying a super special edition later too.
Re: Finally! \"Indiana Jones\"

For Jedi, I'd like to see the original "Yub yub" ending with the Ewok Celebration. Just for the nostagia factor.
That was one of those scenes when I saw Special Edition I was like "Why the FUCK would they change THAT?!?! Its so classic! Even catchy!"

Another scene was in New Hope when they are fighting the deathstar. You are seeing things out of the cockpit of a tie fighter and he is chasing an X-wing. All of a sudden he turns, and you see another X-wing literally coming RIGHT at him with all 4 lasers firing and *boom*. In Special Edition version, that second X-wing wasnt charging right at the tie fighter, rather comes from the side. It just didnt look as impressive. I know its a small little scene but it was one I always remembered from the first release as being cool, and that they changed for no good reason.
Re: Finally! \"Indiana Jones\"

One thing I never understood about the whole Jabba thing was why did they make him look so much younger in ANH? He's supposed to be hundreds of years old and he changes A LOT in those few years between ANH and ROTJ. I understand they couldn't do that much because of the constraints of having filmed that scene with an actor so many years ago. He should have just left him out in my opinion.
Re: Finally! \"Indiana Jones\"

One thing I never understood about the whole Jabba thing was why did they make him look so much younger in ANH? He's supposed to be hundreds of years old and he changes A LOT in those few years between ANH and ROTJ. I understand they couldn't do that much because of the constraints of having filmed that scene with an actor so many years ago. He should have just left him out in my opinion.

I don't think it's that they made him look younger, it's more that they weren't very good at that type of effect, or were not willing to spend enough time/money on it. I suspect the former.
Look at Phantom Menace (it's hard to, I know) the Jabba they have there (I'm assuming it's Jabba, and not some other Hutt) looks a whole lot better than the one they put into A New Hope.
Re: Finally! \"Indiana Jones\"

Dramatically, the new Jabba scene actually makes a lot of sense. It fleshes out that sub-story more logically and would have placed the Jedi in a stronger context.

But Lord knows I could live without any of the crap.

As for the "yub-yub," it is probably the subject of most jokes by fans. I always thought it was stupid and much prefer the change. This is one of the few changes that I like (not including pure effects updates, which have nothing to do with the story or action).