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Finally! Official confirmation of 2nd season

Yes, he pretty much said that and that is in fact what he got for season one. From my impression (second hand conversation mind you), the decision to write 13/15 episodes for season two was not his idea. However, (reading between the lines) if you were faced with the show being canceled or take on more writing responsibilities ... which would you choose? /forums/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif

Also, what Channe said about G. Rosenberg and other producers taking on more of the day to day production demands was what I took away as well. However, Jeremiah sounds like it is demanding in much different ways than B5 was. For one thing, most of it is shot outside which is a whole 'nuther beast in itself. Still at V-Con 27, there were many folks who remarked how much better he has looked in the past. Who knows what 5 years of Jeremiah will do to him but right now he seems to be enjoying it and is happy. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Again, JMS said at V-Con that Jeremiah will start airing new episodes in March 2003. Hopefully, you won't have too much trouble finding someone to get you the episodes and there is always the option to download them online as well you know. /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif