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Ok... I just watched Firewall.

This episode... GOD...

No TV show has made me feel this way ever since Babylon 5... What an amazing episode.

What a great feeling of stress... Mixed emotions... Marcus arguing with Jeremiah about starting a war... It was just... I'm just... This is just...

Help me! :(

And finally lots of new thigns are revealed... That weirdo being Jeremiah's brother or whatever... Valhala sector... Things starting to unwrap... and enwrap...
Just like in the old Babylon 5 episodes...

Can anyone tell me how many more episodes there are to season 1?

Are there gonna be more seasons?
I understood there's already a season 2 - is that true? And if so, is the show only getting better?
What a great feeling of stress... Mixed emotions... Marcus arguing with Jeremiah about starting a war... It was just... I'm just... This is just...

Yeah. I usually liken "Firewall" to "The Coming of the Shadows" in how it makes me feel y'know like just ... yeah. That whole scene with Markus and Jeremiah arguing is one of my favourites: Jeremiah's just throughing a fit ang Markus is trying to keep himself rational then he just novas into homicidal rage and Jeremiah's left trying to calm Markus down. Great stuff :cool:

And the way it ends with Meaghan who manages to be both Delenn and Kosh. Beautiful.

But be warned, there are some stinkers coming up. Still the season ends really well and there will indeed be a second season.
Yeah. I usually liken "Firewall" to "The Coming of the Shadows" in how it makes me feel y'know like just ... yeah.
"Firewall" is more like "Signs and Portents", the first episode to get the arc going. You'll like "Tripwire", which is another big arc episode, and the finale, "Things left Unsaid" is "Chrysalis" times 2...
The are 20 episodes in the first season... well, 18 episodes, with the first (The Long Road) and the last (Thing Left Unsaid) being 2 parters.

Season 2 of Jeremiah has 15 episodes.

Ah, you like Firewall?

You'll LOVE Tripwire.

And the last two.

I think Firewall was when the show really "got it" last season. It was great and all before, but -- you could tell that someone hit a stride somewhere with that one. Glorious.
...which is what I meant about "The Coming of the Shadows" :rolleyes: It's not a plot-wise thing -- it's the ep of a series where you feel that something just clicked and you begin to see not just the potential for greatness but a ray of that greatness itself.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to go burn some incenses at my JMS-Joss Whedon shrine and ritually sacrifice a Twinkie.
Now if you'll excuse me I have to go burn some incenses at my JMS-Joss Whedon shrine and ritually sacrifice a Twinkie.

hehe ;)

God, this makes me feel so great... I mean, after the first episodes, I remember telling myself - "Well, this is DEFINITELY a great show... Nothing B5ish, but a great show...".

Then came that episode with Jason Priestly... And then a few other emotional moments here and there (specially in the episodew before, with Curdy finding out about his dad and mom - such a sad moment)... And I remember telling my friend - "Man, for a few moments there, you could actually feel as if Kosh's doing a little guest-starring"...
And the episode yesterday REALLY blew my mind...

Jeremiah's aired every Saturday night at 23:35 here in Israel... Since I have to go to the army every Sunday, and get home only every other weekend, I don't have much time for myself... My weekends are usually - get home at Thursday, try to meet my old school friends, be with my family, go out on Friday night, play soccer on Saturday, and the great finale - just before going to sleep into another day in the army - watch Jeremiah...

And yesterday I was SO depressed by the thought of going to the army again today (I'm writing this message 1 hour before getting on the buss), that I felt like I don't give a shit about Jeremiah right now... I said "oh I'll just watch it and go to sleep"... But when I watched it I just got so excited, it came out of no where... I really didn't expect it to be such a blast... Right from the first moments - the chopper, that old guy, the EVERYTHING... It reminded me indeed of "Signs And Portents" (over "Coming Of Shadows"...), cause it really was the first episode when we get some great arc stuff... Lots of weird things starting to reveal, most of which we can't understand... Just when we think we got the plot and probably know how things are gonna go right now, JMS takes all the puzzle pieces and mix'em up again... Then throws them all into the fire, grabs a shovel, takes the ashes out and stump all over them... Insane-Plot-Building, JMS style...

There was this certain part... I don't ermember where exactly, I think in Jeremiah's argument with Markus, when I felt this twitch, the EXACT same one I felt when John jumped into Za'hadum... I've never felt it before the scene with John, and haven't felt it until the scene with Jeremiah and Markus... And I remember screaming at my sister - "Goddamnit he's doing B5 all over again!"...
It was something very particular about Markus's face... He had this momentary look of frustration which was SO awesome... I gotta go check it out again in my tape...

I know it's a LOT to say, but it's true... THIS is the sequel we wanted to Babylon 5. It has the feel, it has the vibes, and it's got a brand new story, too.

I'm not starting an argument on "is it better or not", B5 has a lot of emotional things, nostalgie feelings, which make us always look at it as the "best thing EVA"...
Which may be true.

But Jeremiah, if it continues this way, if Luke Perry and the dude playing Markus keep giving such huge performances - can definitely become the next best thing.

And now I can't wait to see what's next.

Are there any talks of Season 3 yet? Or is the show over (please tell me it's another 5-seasons-thingy... I love that).

Oh, and NO SPOILERS, please...
...and the finale, "Things left Unsaid" is "Chrysalis" times 2...

More like times 10 ;)

Are there any talks of Season 3 yet? Or is the show over (please tell me it's another 5-seasons-thingy... I love that).

I think he has planned to do a 5 season story - lets hope the ratings are good enough so JMS gets to make all 5 :D
Heh, it figures when I stop paying attention to these forums that someone posts something really great! :LOL: I have been too busy trying to keep up with my own site after neglecting it for a few weeks that this site has fallen to the wayside. :(

Anyway, I am so happy you are enjoying the show and Firewall is indeed a great episode. I agree with Channe that this is the episode that things really fell into place. It is way too early for me to say if this show is better than B5 or not yet but there are certain elements that are similar and there is the potential as well.

I remember reading the script for the pilot episode which I think happened just after Rangers aired and I could immediately see where JMS' passion was. As much as I liked Rangers and hoped that would continue to improve as a series ... I am so much happier he can focus on Jeremiah now. ;)

Let me see if I can answer some questions...

Can anyone tell me how many more episodes there are to season 1?

Are there gonna be more seasons? I understood there's already a season 2 - is that true? And if so, is the show only getting better?

There are twenty episodes in season one and you can see the list of episodes here:

There is going to be a season two which is currently wrapping in post-production. No one has seen it yet as it is supposed to air in Aug or Sept of this year but my sources say it is going to blow the first season out of the water. ;)

Are there any talks of Season 3 yet? Or is the show over (please tell me it's another 5-seasons-thingy... I love that).

Since season two hasn't even aired and Showtime and MGM are oddly silent about even that season, there hasn't been a word about another season. Still, JMS has planned a 5 year story for Jeremiah so there is hope. :)

All I can say is to keep watching season one as it does get better. I am anxious to see your reaction to the season finale. :D
Well after a string of non-JMS episodes had dampened my enthusiam for Jeremiah, JMS came right back and hit me over the head with Tripwire. What an episode. The feelings of impending and encircling doom just like the Late 3rd season of B5. Was this Egan guy trying to sabotage the show or something, His heart certainly wasn't in it. I can't remember JMS saying anything positive or supportive of him. Ah well at least he's gone for S2.
Well after a string of non-JMS episodes had dampened my enthusiam for Jeremiah, JMS came right back and hit me over the head with Tripwire. What an episode. The feelings of impending and encircling doom just like the Late 3rd season of B5. Was this Egan guy trying to sabotage the show or something, His heart certainly wasn't in it. I can't remember JMS saying anything positive or supportive of him. Ah well at least he's gone for S2.

Have to agree about the comparison of JMS to SE episodes, but I think it is a bit much to accuse him either of trying to sabotage the show or of his heart not being in it.

My impression from watching the Sam Egan episodes was that he just didn't get where JMS was trying to take it. As I recall, some of them were pretty good stories in and of themselves, and they would have worked in any number of other shows.

They just didn't have the same intensity that JMS had built up in the show to that point, leading to a feeling that it had suddenly gone a bit flat.

I just thought it was a pity that we had so many SE episodes fairly close together in the middle of the season - for me that meant the show lost most of the momentum JMS had created.

Just my $0.02.

I gotta agree with you people.
Thsoe were a few GOOD episodes, just, as u said, GaribaldisHair, not much in JMS' intense view of things.


I just watched Firewall again, and remember what that moment was...

It's when Marcus says something like "I created this place in order to create PEACE...".

It's just too amazing. That was the moment I felt the twitch.

Markus says that sentence with SUCH frustration... He's waving his hands down, and has the saddest, most frustrated look I have EVER seen... He's so sad in that moment... And the way he says the word "Peace", his voice falls down... The "C" in "Peace" is pronounced a bit strange, a bit like a little kid... And it came out so surprising... All of the sudden, Marcus, until now acting like such a grown-up, such an i-got-everything-covered-don't-you-worry-bout-a-thing-missy, all of the sudden you see him almost bursting into tears... His self-confidence shattered, and you see him at his most honest self... A little boy who wanted to make peace... And you just CANNOT help but completely fall in love with this guy, this romantic Don Quixote...
You have to watch that part again and again, I'm SURE JMS worked hours on getting Marcus to say it with the right "feel"... Unless it was something the actor put in himself, in which case he deserves such tremendous kudos... It couldn't have been performed better.

I know, it's a small part, which lasts only for a moment... But it takes just a moment for your heart to miss a beat... And those are the moments we remember of the show, right?

John screaming at Kosh to get out of his counter suited butt and do something
Londo sitting on his throne looking at the "good old days" (which he used to hate so much)
Zack watches Lyta fading away from him
Marcus giving away his life to save Ivanova.

All those lasted only a few moments, in which one moment we felt a small "click" in our heart.

And out of hundrads and hundrads of lines in books, it's those few small "clicks" which are what literature's all about, right?
This episode is very good!

It legitimized my thought that Jeremiah was a sequal of sorts to B5, at least in heart. I really like the fact that to me its like my favorite computer game - Fallout.

Hey guys, I'm back!! Glad to be here!!! By the way, "That werido," being Jeremiah's brother ....that's me playing Ezekiel!! Just a little trivia for you, my Mother makes an appearence in a flashback scene in Thunder Mountain in either Tripwire or Firewall, just can't remember right now!! Very late, must sleep so glad to back, check out my B5 posting to see what's been up...HOPE EVERYONE IS WELL!! I look forward to catching up!! Your Ezekiel...Alex. :D :D
Hi Alex! It is great to hear from you again and we all loved you as Ezekiel. :)

So, it is Alex's mother or Ezekiel's mother who makes an appearance? ;) I guess I know what I will be doing when I get home ... watching Firewall and Tripwire. :D

Thanks for dropping by and if you get a chance, drop by my Jeremiah friendly board too. We would love to chat with you there too. ;)
My Mom ppears in the one with all the flshbacks with the big death getting into Thunder Mountain, with Michael Rooker guest starring. The scence is Michael is addressing the people about isolating the Mountain, and she is a short lady in glasses standing between and slightly behind the young Markus and his Father. It's funny Perter Deluise called her, "Mama Zahara," the whole time. She was just there for a visit and the next thing your know Peter grabs here and, " We're going put Mama Zahara in the movie!" It was funny because she hasn't had the last name of Zahara since ohh 1986. She was cool with it though and Peter was great! Heck they even paid her as an extra! We said forget it but they insisted for release and clearence purposes I'm sure. Must run, take care everyone!! P.S. Ezekiel is fun to play...and let's leave it at that, fon't want to spoil anything...Alex ;)
Actually, I can pretty much see a resemblance...

She plays a great role there, Alex! I don't think the episode would've been the same without that striking appearence... Hell, I think they oughta change the whole damn show and put her as star! Heck, make a new spinoff show! Call it "Jeremama", or something... lol... i'm dizzy...

Say, Alex - did yo ualways have taht long hair or is it jsut for the show? is it even real? Do you even like it?
Don't wanna sound gay or anything, just that being an 80's metal-rock fan, and medival-stories-fan, I'm also a huge long-haired-dudes fan. they're the best. Once I get out of the army I'm gonna get myself one of those...
(long-hairs. not dudes, damnit).

And what are your thoughts 'bout JMS leaving the show? Is it for SURE? He's not just doing it to make the network know he means business? I know I'm DEVISTATED over it.

Anyway, gotta go. Love your appearences, you make me feel like Kosh is alive again :)

Ooo, which makes me think - did you like/watch Babylon 5?

That's all my questions I guess. Hope u answer them and this message doesn't start dusting up here like many forum-messages tend to. That would be sad.