Hmph... b5scripts promised a 24-hour-reply service... now I'm waiting for 30 hours, and counting.
Two of my script books obviously ran out of black ink... it's all readable, but especially the photos suffer from bad contrast. A third has even got missing, misplaced and blank pages inserted into it. At 40 dollars per volume, I'm a little unhappy with that.
If the reply service is unreliable, sending back the volumes (for which I paid international shipping and customs fees) is a bit risky to me, so I seem to be stuck with the flawed books. After an investment of more than 300 dollars for half the collection, that's a bit of a letdown
Two of my script books obviously ran out of black ink... it's all readable, but especially the photos suffer from bad contrast. A third has even got missing, misplaced and blank pages inserted into it. At 40 dollars per volume, I'm a little unhappy with that.
If the reply service is unreliable, sending back the volumes (for which I paid international shipping and customs fees) is a bit risky to me, so I seem to be stuck with the flawed books. After an investment of more than 300 dollars for half the collection, that's a bit of a letdown