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In Memory Still Bright: Mira Furlan

I want to honour Mira Furlan with a few words.

Going through forum threads I realize that I have not posted in this thread before. I was not active on this site for some years (including 2021/22) and only returned to activity in the past year. So this is a late farewell to an inspirational human being and great actress, 3 years late, but no less heartfelt.

The few interviews I saw with her gave me the impression that she was a warm human being who stuck by her principles. Her history in the former Yugoslavia also shows that her life had not been easy.

The way she played the Minbari Delenn in Babylon 5 was special, you really felt she was this alien but also very human being which left a strong impression on me. It is not for nothing that I selected her for my avatar here at the site replacing an old one several years ago.

I did not know she was seriouisly ill and it saddened me greatly when I learned of her passing. As others have said, far too many Babylon 5 cast-members have passed beyond the rim too early, life is so unexplainably unfair sometimes.

They live on, however, in their artistic work in Babylon 5 and elsewhere and thereby gain a sort of immortality that is precious and valued. Watching Babylon 5 on wonderful Blu-ray disc recently has made me think of them all, all those dear friends in a way from the Babylon 5 universe who became part of our lives back in the 1990s and who are no longer among us. We treasure their lives and their memory.

As Mira said through Delenn:

"All life is transitory, a dream. We all come together in the same place, at the end of time. If I don't see you again here, I will see you in a little while, in a place where no shadows fall."

R.I.P. Mira Furlan and safe travels beyond the rim.
I want to honour Mira Furlan with a few words.

Going through forum threads I realize that I have not posted in this thread before. I was not active on this site for some years (including 2021/22) and only returned to activity in the past year. So this is a late farewell to an inspirational human being and great actress, 3 years late, but no less heartfelt.

The few interviews I saw with her gave me the impression that she was a warm human being who stuck by her principles. Her history in the former Yugoslavia also shows that her life had not been easy.

The way she played the Minbari Delenn in Babylon 5 was special, you really felt she was this alien but also very human being which left a strong impression on me. It is not for nothing that I selected her for my avatar here at the site replacing an old one several years ago.

I did not know she was seriouisly ill and it saddened me greatly when I learned of her passing. As others have said, far too many Babylon 5 cast-members have passed beyond the rim too early, life is so unexplainably unfair sometimes.

They live on, however, in their artistic work in Babylon 5 and elsewhere and thereby gain a sort of immortality that is precious and valued. Watching Babylon 5 on wonderful Blu-ray disc recently has made me think of them all, all those dear friends in a way from the Babylon 5 universe who became part of our lives back in the 1990s and who are no longer among us. We treasure their lives and their memory.

As Mira said through Delenn:

"All life is transitory, a dream. We all come together in the same place, at the end of time. If I don't see you again here, I will see you in a little while, in a place where no shadows fall."

R.I.P. Mira Furlan and safe travels beyond the rim.
I think a lot of us were shocked that she so suddenly left us. She was an amazing woman and actress, may she inspire many more like her to raise up and make some noise.
I still get upset every time I think of how it happened. Of all ways to have her taken beyond the Rim to have it be one that seems it could have been treated or something. It is like how is that even possible with all of the medical technology we have today. Okay stopping rant before it starts...
I know, but I do get emotional and it just seems like one of those things that should have or could have been prevented by something. BUT of course as many of you know I can be completely irrational. (Like in the multi-paragraph rant on my hatred of mosquitos I just deleted.)
It's just awful. We've lost so many talented people in this show. it is like a curse.

She was a wonderful actress, and it's hit me hard.

And I admit channelling some real life here... she was three months younger than my mum (who has terminal cancer) so I feel very acutely how young she is and the fragility of this all.

I see I wrote this at the time, and having lost my mum now they were both too young.

I will try not to be bitter as my mum wasn't. But it's annoying to see nasty pieces of work going into their 90s when good women die!

Fuck cancer, fuck West Nile virus.

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