Maneth said:
I'm unsure about many on that list. Do we know for sure Leoben is #2?
Yep. Cavil confirmed it a few episodes ago, that he is #1 and Leoben is #2 (And one or two of the rest, including Doral and Simon.)
Has the "opera house" been mentioned prior to this last episode? My memory and knowledge of such details pales in comparison with some of you nerds.. .er, I mean, folks.
The first time it was seen, I believe, was in season 1's, "Kobold's Last Gleaming." When the crashed onto Kobold and Baltar was having visions of it. Six took him in to show him "their baby" and the future.
Since then, the opera house has been seen in Roslyn's dreams (she and Six and Athena are looking for or trying to protect Hera.) I don't know that it was ever specifically said, "hey look, the Opera House," but I think Six told Baltar in season 1 about the place--might have mentioned what kind of place it was then. I'll have to rewatch.
The whole cancer patient thing seemed pretty pointless until Roselyn started admitting to Adama that she might believe Baltar's religious ramblings. Kira's observation that Baltar may have "stumbled" upon some truth despite his own awfulness is what helped Roselyn open her mind to the possibility of listening to the message despite the messenger.
All this reinforces my belief that the key to the end of this show lies in the religious conflict. And frankly that's worrying, as popular entertainment almost never handles religious matters well. It's always either preachy or insulting and patronizing.
I agree in that I kept wondering, "Where is this going with Roslyn?" I think it does add an interesting element that she's starting to question her own beliefs--especially since she's considered the dying leader that will never reach Earth. It's almost like Moses--who created the path for his people to get to the promised land, yet was never allowed in.
And I have no idea what the religious conflict will bring. The show always surprises.
Recoil said:
To think that Sol and the rest were actually physically on Earth as the hybrids quote said is a stretch to the extreme. More likely the final 5 were, inhabiting some other "vessel/person" and were moved into their new hosts. What remains to be seen is if these hosts have some sort of ancient tie to Kobol that allows this.
Very interesting theory. It has some good points.
I don't think they'd necessarily have their former selves erased, though, if that's what is being implied. As for them being receptive--not sure about that either. As for why? What makes them good targets?
Tory is the assistant to the president.
Tigh is the XO under Adama.
Chief maintains the vipers (or used to.)
Anders is in the public eye--could potentially sway the public.
Another idea is that when they came upon the nebula, that's when they were "downloaded" into the new hosts. It wasn't an "awakening" as they thought, but it was when the old memories from these "final five" entered them. Obviously, all has not been awakened just yet. Again, maybe all 5 must be together for this to happen. That would mean they are not really cylons, but rather, symbiotic hosts of some kind where their own true selves/consciousness can live in harmony with another.
Just thinking aloud.