Is this the first we've seen of Hera since she was a baby?
Hmm, we saw her in the president's visions at the opera house (that she shared with 6 and Athena at the end of season 3.) Since then, not until tonight that I recall.
We weren't even clear on how many half-Cylon babies there are. I said two:
1. Here, Athena's child she had with Helo on Caprica.
2. The Chief's kid.
Bingo. Only two that we know of. I still have my suspicions than Starbuck is a hybrid, or a child OF a hybrid, but that's a personal theory and nothing more.
Sharon models:
After she shot Adama, they kept her in custody. Tigh bitz-slapped her a few times for shooting "the old man." Chief was put in the cell with her because of their affair (thought he was one, too. Little did they know--muhahah!) While they were transporting Sharon, Callie offed her.
Later in season 2 we went back and saw her download on Caprica. She freaked out. "AHH! Where am I!" Was having difficulty being brought back into the 8 collective, so they sent Caprica 6 to try and ease her in--else she might be boxed. They started getting paranoid that D'Anna (3) put them together for dubious reasons and began conspiring together. Maybe it was wrong to kill the humans. They are heroes after all (Boomer 8 and Caprica 6)--the things they could do! They could sway some of the others.
They were in the garage when Anders and his group of Merry men attacked. He was caught inside with all three and when D'Anna was about to shoot him, Six offed her and thus the "new rebellion" was born--led by the heroes.
Leap forward to New Caprica. The cylons find the humans. Caprica 6 and Boomer 8 are there to prove humans and cylons can live together. Some of the next is fuzzy. It's my belief that they simply didn't know how to do this and allowed the higher powers (Brother Cavil and Kevin Spacey model) to take control which meant cylons enslaving the humans. Things fell apart. IMHO, they didn't write this well enough.
The next we see of Boomer, she's on the baseship with Hera who will die if she doesn't get human doctors and human help. Athena had Helo shoot her on Galactica so she could download into the res-ship and get her baby back. Boomer suddely wanted to kill Hera, "Snap her little neck."
Next jump with Boomer is that she's now siding with Cavil against her own models. They need to fill in some holes there. They've royally fracked Boomer up and she's just being flopped around. They have ends to tie up. It's confusing.
Athena: Yes, pretended to be Boomer with Helo so they could do the deed and get preggo. They think it has to do with love (from the human or the cylon model or both.) Maybe it was just genetics and luck. But, she got knocked up and was to return to her cylon friends, but chose to stay with Helo. I believe she chose her side on Caprica when she stole Starbuck's stolen cylon raider and then came back to help them.
She spent an entire season in Galactica prison being pregnant and having a baby and yelling and crying a lot and just her and Helo being unbearably dull and annoying.
LMAO, exactly. She did help the fleet once when she plugged Galactica directly into her arm and then sent a virus back to the raiders so the vipers could pick them off like buttah.
They were going to abort Athena's baby, but Baltar discovered that Hera's blood (or the amnio fluid in Athena's gestational sac) cured the president's cancer. They put off the abortion, but when Hera was born, they told Athena the baby had died and then gave it to some other lady to raise. The president had ordered this and she and Tory were the only ones who knew that I recall.
Meanwhile, Athena was made full officer again before they stormed New Caprica--Adama swore her in despite Lee's feelings and she's proven herself over and over in my eyes. I don't think the writers would frack with that loyalty at this point. She considers herself human.
Whoever was in charge of protecting Hera during the Exodus off New Caprica failed. D'Anna, Caprica 6 and Baltar found the baby. D'Anna kept her and took her back to the baseship.
As stated above, Athena finally learned that Hera was alive. I think this happened when Athena went down to New Caprica disguised as "just another 8" in order to get info or mess with the cylon defense system. I think it was Boomer who told her in the hallway and did so to fill her with doubt and out of spite that Athena has what she always wanted--a life with the fleet, a husband and baby. Later, Athena did learn the truth from Adama (who got it from Pres.). She knew what she had to do. She asked Helo blast her and she rez'ed to get her baby. Caprica 6 helped her escape. Now baby is back with mom and Helo and is apparently dreaming of 6.
I don't know who the "other" Sharon is that you're talking about. I've seen a few other 8 models with the rebels--one that was shot by the centurion when she unplugged the hybrid and her blood went into the hybrid tank. There are a few there. A good half dozen greeted Athena when Starbuck landed the raptor on the baseship. I don't think any are really significant like Athena or Boomer.
Hope that all made sense. Weeee!
Caprica Six - She is the one who slept with Baltar in the miniseries, and is current in the brig on Galactica, right? She is the "physical" version of what is running around in Baltar's head, right?
"Natalie" Six - Who the piss is she and when/where did she come from? Why is she important enough to have her own name?
Caprica Six. The one who slept with Baltar and got into the defense mainframe which allowed the cylons to blast the humans to smithereens. She also killed a wee little baby in the miniseries, but maybe she did it out of mercy as she knew the baby would die in the blast. Who knows. Saved Baltar's life when his house was wasted.
We later see her downloaded and she's asking where Baltar is. Balter is in HER head. Odd! She talks to him like he's really there, D'Anna model thinks she's a bit off. She goes through some cylon therapy and starts to get better. Then Boomer downloads and she's sent to help her. The two do their coup deal and the whole New Caprica fiasco happens. They are both forced to leave during the human Exodus off New Caprica. We see 6 later when Athena downloads to get Hera. Now, she's on Galactica.
Natalie is just new--a new voice among the Sixes. She seems similar to the Gina (Pegasix model.) Will be curious to see how she interacts with the 6 in the brig. I think she'll live. She's too cool to kill right away. And she looks badass hot with the less severe blonde hair.
That was fun to type out, haha.