That it's not the final ending is why it's not too dark for me; if this was the entire conclusion forever of the show, it'd make me roll my eyes, but there's still more to come so I'm ok.
Agreed. And while a lot of people guessed that they would find an "Earth" in ruins, it became pretty obvious they were going to do that right as they found it. You have this happy apparent peace with the Cylons, then they jump to "Earth" and everyone starts partying and there is all this happy triumphant build-up before they even took a sensor reading. You could just TELL the writers were leading up for a change in momentum. As soon as the cheering started before anything was shown, you could just sense the dark ending (or mid season break).
This has really been the ONLY episode so far this year that I really enjoyed to watch all the way through. So random thoughts:
Man Torri is a bitch, isn't she? The little turncoat was the first to bail on the human race and hop aboard the base star. She didnt even care to wait to do it in secret, she just made up an excuse so she could go aboard right away.
Makes me think back to Sol's great speech when he found out he was a Cylon. About him being loyal to the "old man" and he is still going to be a member of the fleet. By far one of the best moments in the series for me. There was that same feeling in this ep when he came forward, criticized himself for not doing it right away, but that he came forward to offer himself as a hostage to protect the humans on the Base Star. Funny how Sol, Anders, and Tyrol's loyalties didn't really change (although Tyrol is doing some self-searching, he seems still loyal especially to his baby) but Torri was the one who seems all about her new Cylonness.
Adama's line during his breakdown with Sol was also interesting. "How can that be? When I met you 30 years ago you had hair! Cylons dont age"
I'm really convinced if it really is a "persona" of some sort that was activated by that signal in their existing personality...that they really aren't "machines" like the other cylons.
While Starbuck running to stop the execution was rather dumb (ever hear of picking up a squak box?) the scene was still pretty intense, and I liked how it was done.
Funny how the ruins on "Earth" matched those in the book, about the Aurora temple...or something to that effect.
So...major questions:
1) Is it really our Earth?
2) If not, well then it at least appears to be the apparent former home of the 13th tribe given how the ruins looked like those in the Pithia book.
3) If it is our Earth, past, present, or future? Looks to be our future since there are buildings. Ive always wondered, though, that in this series if the fleet finds earth and they settle there, would they (as the opening line in the original series went) end up being the FOREFATHERS of the Egyptians, etc? So basically its way in our past and we are decendants of theirs.
4) Who is the final Cylon?
I find I care less and less about #4. I've always been more interested in the 13th tribe story and what has been going on there. I hope at least they bring that to a close with some satisfaction.
As far as the FINAL series ending....if it ends up being dark and "artistic" that will be a huge letdown for me. Just because everyone thinks the series has had a "gritty and dark" feel to it the whole time doesn't mean it has to end depressing. If it does, I'll probably feel like I wasted a good chunk of time on the series overall, and won't feel tempted to rewatch it. That i when I'll feel that RDM has failed. To me the mark of a great series is that I have to want to watch it again, and again. Like B5. Like Firefly. Like Farscape even. How well the final group of episodes go, and how well they wrap up what I feel are the important threads will determine whether this series ends up being great, or just another show that started good with promise then lost its way and fell to the wayside.
Guess we find out in 2009. January is my guess.