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Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

"Dr Cottle won't mind" Hell, I'm surprised he didnt drop in there to take a hit off it with them. Cottle has always been a funny character to me. Throughout the whole series he has been the most consistent. His demeanor never changes. Hes always smoking a cigarette in his medlab. Freakin Cylons start hanging out in his medlab near the end and its just another thing for him. For some reason that amuses me.

I think GKE is right about the song being the key. They did say it was a map, so I'm sure there will be some tie-ins there. If the finale is indeed a 2 hour finale, then I feelt a LITTLE better. But I share the aprehension that everyone else has that we don't have a dialogue dump explaining a bunch of stuff as the clock ticks down.

I'm also tired of all the Adams breaking down/crying/drinking scenes.
"Dr Cottle won't mind" Hell, I'm surprised he didnt drop in there to take a hit off it with them. Cottle has always been a funny character to me. Throughout the whole series he has been the most consistent. His demeanor never changes. Hes always smoking a cigarette in his medlab. Freakin Cylons start hanging out in his medlab near the end and its just another thing for him. For some reason that amuses me.

Cottle is hilarious. I think he was the only real comic relief for the series. Some of my favourie Cottle lines:

1. "How many of those did you take, young lady" ( to Roslin about her pills in Season 1)

2. Cottle lights up a cigarette.

Roslin: Would you mind?

Cottle: I do actually (doesn't put it out).

3. Tigh (reffering to Adama) Is he gonna make it?

Cottle: How should I know? I'm not a psychic. Now get the hell out of here.

4 Roslin: Doctor... I need your help. But it's illegal, dangerous and in violation of your oath as an officer.

Cottle: You're a lousy salesman.

This was the "calm before the storm" episode. B5 had plenty of 'em, it was just that the whole thing was paced better so it played out stronger.

While this is true, and I agree with what you are saying to a point (and I also realizing comparing BSG to B5 is an exercise in futility) so far I have sort of been comparing the wrap up of BSG to B5....and its way missing the mark.

Yes, B5 had many "calm before the storm" episodes....but not near the end of the series.

Last night's episode would be the equivalent of "Wheel of Fire" in B5 (time wise) if the BSG Finale is a 2 hour finale. Basically, there are 2 episodes actual episodes of BSG left, but 3 hours of TV time, so equal to three B5 episodes, making last nights in the place of Wheel of Fire.

B5 started wrapping things up heavily starting with "Fall of Centuari Prime." While Wheel of Fire could be considered one of those calm before the storm episodes, and it sort of was, it also moved the story along and started closing out details for many of the characters in the show. Garibaldi's alchoholism is addressed. Lyta makes her deal with Garibaldi to remove his mental block of Bester and groundwork is laid for her characters fight against the Psi-Corp. GKar makes plans to leave with Lyta.

The next TWO episodes of B5 also continue to close out character arcs while dealing with small A-plots as well. B5 took a good 5 episodes to wind everything up and it was a show that ran 5 years. BSG ran 4 years so I really was expecting to see more closure than I have so far given where things are at. I guess thats why I am feeling there will be a lot crammed into the next 3 TV hours....or things will just get left dangling.
Cottle's attitude is not uncommon amongst veteran doctors. I once briefly dated a nurse, when I was about 40-50 lbs heavier than I am now (and I'm still overweight) who, after I was talking about how I needed to lose weight, she was like "whatever, we all die, what's the difference." She knew exactly how everything kills you and rather than making her more cautious, she decided it's impossible to stop it, way too much is dependant on genetics and luck, and you might as well enjoy yourself. This would explain her smoking, drinking, and dating very large men I suppose.

Recoil, hard to disagree, but I gave up on this show ending in a good way a while ago anyway, so I'm working with very lowered expectations here.
Yea I hate to say it, but mine are pretty low too. I know its not going to have this mind-blowing awesome ending. Its not going to have a great ending either. At this point, I'm hoping its "OK"
Sadly, I think I'm there as well. In my mind, they have yet to top "Exodus part 2" and that was back at the beginning of season 3. That was the shizzle.
What happened in the last episode? I'm going to explain it the same way Hurley from "Lost" explained to his mother about the island:

First, Ellen said to the others about the Cylon colony, then Galactica began to fall apart, after Boomer's jump near the ship while stealing Hera, who cried a lot during the trip, so Boomer had to inject her with something, and meanwhile Helo asked Adama to give him a Raptor, but Adama was too busy making a decision whether to abandon the ship or not, so he talked to Roslin, who was listening to Baltar, who accidentially met Caprica Six and after that Kera came to him asking him for help, then he ran some tests and told everyone that Kera was not supposed to be alive.

So that's what happened. If you didn't understand anything, next time try watching B5.;)
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Not sure if anyone else noticed this, but .. when Sam starts talking jibberish, among the stuff he's blabbering, there's:

"There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza!"

Is there any meaning in this? Or am I just stupid for not having managed to blend out modern-day Earth pop culture on a Sci-Fi show? :p
Haha, I noticed that too. I hated that song as a kid. No idea. I'm tired of analyzing this show. I've OD'ed on analyzing right now. =D
I though that it could be fun to summarize the whole show, "Hurley's style":

First the Cylons came and destroyed the colonies, so the rest of the human race ran away, but they found out that the Cylons look like them, and after that started looking for some imaginery planet called Earth, but accidetally they found New Caprica, so they settled there, but the Cylons came again, and the humans had to run again, until thay found out that some of the Cylon were good, so they formed an alliance with them and found Earth, but Earth was not good for living, so now none of them knows what is going on anymore.;)
Looks like they are setting up a "blowing up the ship" moment to end the series. Hmm I can't think of any other tv show that ended the series by blowing up the main ship/space station in the last episode.
Haha, I noticed that too. I hated that song as a kid. No idea. I'm tired of analyzing this show. I've OD'ed on analyzing right now. =D

Say it ain't so! You and vacantlook were my last hope for the idea that this show is still worth the trouble. You can't give up! Just 2 or 3 eps left, come on soldier, you can do it!
Not sure if anyone else noticed this, but .. when Sam starts talking jibberish, among the stuff he's blabbering, there's:

"There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza!"

Is there any meaning in this? Or am I just stupid for not having managed to blend out modern-day Earth pop culture on a Sci-Fi show? :p

I noticed, and I'm hoping it's a hint that the cycle is about to be broken.

I have a strong feeling hybrid Sam is gonna ram Cavil's Base Star with the Galactica, so Galactica can go out in a blaze of glory.
Watching the episode I had a scary and annoying thought.

The show is called Battlestar Galactica, and the ship is being abandoned/setting up for destruction. Are the writers going to do something annoying like, I don't know, not resolve the story lines fully because the ship doesn't exist anymore, and create a new show "New Earth" ... seriously, the way they don't move the story along that well, and like to milk things, I am half expecting some crap like that! (or do movies to answer the big questions)
Watching the episode I had a scary and annoying thought.

The show is called Battlestar Galactica, and the ship is being abandoned/setting up for destruction. Are the writers going to do something annoying like, I don't know, not resolve the story lines fully because the ship doesn't exist anymore, and create a new show "New Earth" ... seriously, the way they don't move the story along that well, and like to milk things, I am half expecting some crap like that! (or do movies to answer the big questions)

There is apparently a follow on movie, and there is a Prequel series coming, which I believe they will withhold answering some history related questions to use as a hook for the Prequel series. However, I am hoping the biggest of the mysteries will be resolved in BSG series proper, and only little threads will be used as hooks for later projects.
Say it ain't so! You and vacantlook were my last hope for the idea that this show is still worth the trouble. You can't give up! Just 2 or 3 eps left, come on soldier, you can do it!

Pfft, they are just words. By Friday, I'll be all fan-girl ready again, I'm sure. I'm lousy at giving it up for good!

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