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Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

Interesting review of this episode:


Complete with a handy-dandy checklist of questions answered and unanswered. The only thing I think they left off their little checklist from prior interviews was the nature of the song and how it ties into the story.

The writer of that blog clearly has more faith than I do right now.

Great checklist. But if it isn't complete after the final episode you can count me out of all future RDM projects.
Great checklist. But if it isn't complete after the final episode you can count me out of all future RDM projects.

All of us say so now but I'm sure that in one year we will all be here again discussing "Caprica". :)

We are just too interested in Sci-Fi to reject an entire show completely and the competition in the genre is not that much.

Of course it will be a GIANT marketing mistake if RDM doesn't reveal all of mysteries of BSG in the finale.

84 more minutes left.
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Got this off SciFi Channel Forum, what RDM has to say about Daniel
Spoiler for :
"I should probably say as a side note, I know there's a tremendous amount of speculation out there in the internet that Kara is the daughter of Daniel, or that Daniel, Daniel being the Cylon model that was killed or destroyed or aborted or however you want to choose to define it, by Cavil, that there's a connection between Daniel and Kara and that's part of the revelations that we're going to reveal in the finale. I don't typically want to, like, put theories to rest because it kinda spoils the enjoyment and fun of people in the show. However I do think it's worth saying that that is not part of the plan. There is no connection between Kara and Daniel. And like I said I don't typically like to sort of quash rumors and theories because part of the fun of watching a series like this is coming up with your own theories and ideas. But in this particular case I don't want people to really be distracted through the finale by this other idea, which has gained a tremendous amount of currency on the internet and among fan circles. And that's probably my own fault because I don't think I realized the impact that the backstory of Daniel would have in No Exit, you know. I sort of thought that it was an interesting story about, that defined something about Brother Cavil, or John Cavil, and his backstory, and how he reacted to the threat of someone else being as beloved as he was. It was sort of a Cain and Abel type allegory. All those reasons, I thought it was an interesting piece of backstory. But in recent weeks I've realized that the cult of Daniel has grown, that there's a tremendous amount, there's a lot of people out there who are now investing a tremendous amount of time, energy and thought into the notion that Daniel is really a powerful figure in the show, and part of the mythos, and he's directly related to Kara. And, you know, I don't want anyone listening to this broadcast, podcast, I don't want you going into the finale having your Daniel hopes up too high, because that's really not part of the plan. And again I apologize if people think that was such a gigantic mislead or clue or something. That was not the intent. I don't think I anticipated how strongly that would be grabbed by people."
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Spoiler for :
...And that's probably my own fault because I don't think I realized the impact that the backstory of Daniel would have in No Exit, you know.

'Cause you're an idiot, Ron Moore.

...I don't want you going into the finale having your [...] hopes up too high....

Don't worry, a lot of us aren't. You're just not that good of a storyteller, unfortunately.

This makes me think even moreso that Moore's going to have the finale be some nebulously unexplained crap that he thinks is somehow grand and profound while ignoring things that need an actual explanation.
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Interesting statement. So he just decided to include the 13th Cylon in the final episodes of the final season for no significant reason. :wtf:
VL, what's the code for Spoilers? I can't find help anywhere for anything, aside from Smilies in the Ancillary Forum
I don't know about anyone else, but I am most certainly NOT going to bother with Caprica.
I'm worried about that black hole and the theories some of the comenting parties had about it. A couple of seasons back, GKE and myself speculated that the show might end with a time warp scenario that leads to humanity travelling back in time and founding Earth and their own eventual civilizations. If that happens... it is so going to blow chunks.
I'm worried about that black hole and the theories some of the comenting parties had about it. A couple of seasons back, GKE and myself speculated that the show might end with a time warp scenario that leads to humanity travelling back in time and founding Earth and their own eventual civilizations. If that happens... it is so going to blow chunks.

At least that would be some kind of resolution. The more I read, the more it sounds like he has no intention of resolving anything (hopefully, it's just paranoia, and the Finale will have 1 sweeping resolution that covers about everything, 'cause I don't think there's enough airtime to hit a bunch of resolutions)
It would be an utterly appalling resolution though. You can't have humanity acting like some kind of ourouboros snake. The human race has to have a point of origin.
It would be an utterly appalling resolution though. You can't have humanity acting like some kind of ourouboros snake. The human race has to have a point of origin.

Can't argue with you about that, but, again, at least a crappy resolution gives some kind of closure.
All of us say so now but I'm sure that in one year we will all be here again discussing "Caprica". :)

Not me.

Not saying I wont check it out initially, but I have no desire to stick with it. I watched this because its Battlestar Galactica. I watched the Miniseries with reservations (I liked the campy original) and thought the Mini was solid, so I tuned in because of what it was.

Not the same with Caprica.

First off, it wasn't meant to be a BSG "prequel" rather it was a story someone had in the pipeline about Humans vs AI and political stuff, and someone said "Hey, why not market it with Ron Moore as a BSG prequel and you will get more traction" so thats how it came about.

Also it looks boring and soap opera like. So I really have no need to see it.
I'm worried about that black hole and the theories some of the comenting parties had about it. A couple of seasons back, GKE and myself speculated that the show might end with a time warp scenario that leads to humanity travelling back in time and founding Earth and their own eventual civilizations. If that happens... it is so going to blow chunks.

I'm trying to think of some way that some black hole induced time traveling will explain Starbuck's supposed death by explosion in some atmospheric storm, resultant mysterious reappearance with a spanking new copy of her ship, and eventual discovery of her crashed, dead body of Earth. I guess time travel could explain her dead body on Earth, but it can't explain how she survived the explosive death in that other planet's atmosphere and how that some how got her to Earth and back again. At this point, I'm not expecting it to actually be explained, honestly, much like I'm not expecting an actual explanation for Baltar and Caprica hallucinating seeing people. I just have big doubts that they actually have an explanation. I want a good, solid explanation, but I just don't think there will be one.
2 hour finale

subtract 30 min for commercials

subtract another 30 min for flashbacks

leaving us an hour for:

BSG making the jump to the colony
BSG engaging Cavil in a battle of epicness
Cavil to board BSG with a platoon of toasters
Watch people die
Watch people crying over people die
Hera Rescued
Finding an earth 2
Witnessing the dying leader
Learn the truth about the Opera House
Learn the truth about the head people
Learn the truth about Starbuck

Wrap up other crap like the whole Leoben/Starbuck connection that's never really been explained.
blah blah...
It sounds like some of you have a pretty strong idea of what's gonna be in Caprica. Either I missed some internet stories or something 'cause I'm clueless other than it's set in the same universe of BSG and takes place a good while before. I dunno if I'll watch- maybe will wait for reviews to come in or something.

I think if we just demand and expect a "good" explanation for everything we're doomed to be pissed off. Here's what I want in the finale- a fun story. I don't care why Starbuck is whatever, and who is really what and why... I stopped caring when Bob Dylan turned 4 people into completely different people. I was done with all that.

Forget about wanting "answers." Now look at last week's ep, what was it- simply a look at the characters before this whole mess started, and we get to see how far they've come and really get a gut-feel for what the events of their past 4-5 yrs did to them.

From the writing and Moore's interviews, the guiding force behind the show's plots are "wouldn't it be cool if." As in "wouldn't it be cool if" if we took that one-season 1978 space show and remixed and make a new show out of it. "Wouldn't it be cool if" we flash-forward a year after they settle on a planet. "Wouldn't it be cool if" we showed what happened from the Pegasus' point of view. "Wouldn't it be cool if" 4/5 of the human cast were really Cylons and now that turns everything upside. "Wouldn't it be cool if" we sort of remember what these people were like before their whole world got annihilated.

This has been the show's strength and its weakness.
Honestly, I was a little surprised how many people of Galactica's crew volunteered for the rescue mission. After all Hera is a half-cylon child and the natural human reaction is expected to be something like "I don't care about that toaster" or "Why should we risk everything for a single child, who's not even human." It just didn't seem very realistic to me.
Honestly, I was a little surprised how many people of Galactica's crew volunteered for the rescue mission. After all Hera is a half-cylon child and the natural human reaction is expected to be something like "I don't care about that toaster" or "Why should we risk everything for a single child, who's not even human." It just didn't seem very realistic to me.

It all just depends on the episode of the week. One week, yes, let's welcome the cylons in and have them help us. The next week: Cylons are boogedy boogedy evil. The third week, cylons, eh, they're kind of ok. The fourth week, cylons help us, we're dying! The fifth week, cyclons are horrible, they killed us, except for last week when they kept us from dying. It all depends on what each episode's plot calls for.

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