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I lost base with Crusade when it first aired because of my heavy work schedule that summer. When I returned to school I couldn't find it anywhere. It was only within the past year that I found out what had happened to it. I'm glad that the sci-fi channel is currently running it in the order it was supposed to be seen. My B5 world is going to be a little more complete now.

You name it, sooner or later, everyone comes to Babylon 5.
-Commander Jeffrey David Sinclair, The Gathering
To add to my last post, Galen has become one of my favorite characters on that series. He adds both mystery and comedy to the series. Eilerson is another character that I like, because it seems like nobody else really cares for him that much, but he'd like to think that everyone did.

You name it, sooner or later, everyone comes to Babylon 5.
-Commander Jeffrey David Sinclair, The Gathering
I must say Galen was my favourite character in Crusade. I loved the scene where he tried to sit on Dureena's teeny-weeny chair while retaining an element of dignity.

In fact I would name my first born son Galen... if it weren't for the fact that he would be beaten within an inch of his life in the school-yard every day if I did.

Are those your gunports open out of respect, or are you just happy to see me?
Galen reminds me of Merlin from the movie Excalibur, his attitude is perfect. The overacting is almost on the verge of comedic timing. I find myself less interested in the episodes without him, (that does not mean I would flip the channel, I just like the character.) I hope he begins training the thief, although I thing it would go far beyond training.

Tony Todd:

He was also in Night of the Living Dead(the remake) with Pat Tallman.

And I think he's best known as Candyman.

Anyway on topic.

Galen:Kick ass good looking guy.

Max:His character like G'Kar's at the beginning of B5 starts off as kind of a antagonist. I suspect that he would've ended up being a big time hero eventually(I think he started a little last week..on thursday.)

idn't like her in "A Call to Arms"..still don't...but she's growing on me.

Matheson:Very different from the Teeps of the past. He just needs more time to do stuff. Right now he seems to resemble Corwin in B5.

Chambers:Like her character a lot. Reminds me of Franklin.

Gideon:Usually it takes the lead the longest to grow on me...but in this case I liked him immediately..I couldn't imagine not liking him. He just has "like me" written on his face.

Lochley:Wait...she's on this show?? Nothing to say here. I liked her on B5. Problem is she never got a chance to really have a story arc. In season 5 she helped Garibaldi with his alcoholism etc and just kinda gave out orders to Corwin and Zach(since everyone else just went to Sheridan with their problems or he just over rode her decisions.)

anyway...topic is Galen. yes Galen is good.
Plus British ppl rule anyway(maybe that's why I liked Byron?)

"I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price. I'd look up at your lifeless eyes and wave like this. Can you and your associates arrange it for me, Mr. Morden?"
Vir - In The Shadow of Z' HA Dum
I agree I liked the episodes-that-have-the-techno-mage shows. He has the best lines.
"I was just trying to work out whether a comment from me right now would be most wanted or least needed."

"Gideon says we all have things to hide."
"Does he? How unfortunate, I was hoping he'd come further than that. Well not that it isn't true of course, it's just that one simply doesn't have to say it."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>(maybe that's why I liked Byron?)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh, you're the one who actually liked Byron.
I figured somebody somewhere must have, but I've never met one before.

I agree with most of what's been posted above. Galen is interesting and supposed to be a little over-the-top, Max grows on you (though I'm not sure he'd ever grow enough to become a hero), Dureena is great, Gideon is flawed in interesting ways. The biggest problem with Matheson and Chambers is that in the 13 episodes filmed we never really got to see them away from their jobs very much.

Gideon we see lots of, plus his job is inherently interesting. Ditto Max, Dureena and Galen. But Matheson is largely limited to the Corwin role for most of the shows, listening to his ear-piece, passing along orders and information, just generally acting as a traffic cop on the bridge. Chambers is similarly mired in MedLab or Sick Bay or whatever they call it, delivering lots of medical lingo and exposition.

Fiona Avery's unproduced Bester script would have given Matheson more to do and I'm sure JMS would have found a way to focus and episode on Chambers so we could get to know her better. But think about it, how well did we really know Franklin, or even G'Kar after the first 13 episodes of B5? With so many characters it is hard to give each his or her due in any given episode, or even over the course of a season. I think all of the characters would have become more rounded given more time. And I liked Lochley better in Crusade than I did in B5, where she mostly got stuck with the boring parts of Ivanova's arc, without many of the layers of conflict, while the rest went to Lyta.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division
I didn't like Byron. He was too stubborn and he was unreasonable. He went too far, he should of given the counsel a chance to look into his request before he blackmailed them.

"Gideon says we all have things to hide."
"Does he? How unfortunate, I was hoping he'd come further than that. Well not that it isn't true of course, it's just that one simply doesn't have to say it."

"I was just trying to work out whether a comment from me right now would be most wanted or least needed."
Galen.... there is SO much more to Galen then what is in those episodes. What comes across as over-dramatic or annoying makes perfect sense, if you know what he's been through (which is barely touched on in the series). He is a character that, if you know his backstory, you can really feel for (not saying that others are not). So, for any Galen fans who haven't read it yet, go out to your bookstore and buy "Casting Shadows" then take the day off work/school/whatever and consume it.

Gideon: He's an awesome captain, and a great character. Again, he seems to have some real depth to him. Does he remind anyone else of Zack, just a *little* bit?

Max: I really like Max. He's a jerk, but I like the character. He rivals Galen in the "sharp witted" category.

Side note: TNT shouldn't have ordered the costume/hair change for Dureena... stoooopid... but then, what else would one expect from TNT.

"Expect me, when you see me."

You are absolutely right about Galen. Reading the book will definately add appreciation for him. By the time I finished it, I was fortunate enough to see "Geometry of Shadows" and "The Well of Forever" back to back. I was able to see Elric and Galen through a different POV.


"We are dreamers, shapers, singers and makers. We study the mysteries of laser and circuit, crystal and scanner, holographic demons and invocations of equations. These are the tools we employ, and we know many things." Elric the Techno-Mage, "Geometry of Shadows"
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Derian:
So, for any Galen fans who haven't read it yet, go out to your bookstore and buy "Casting Shadows" then take the day off work/school/whatever and consume it.


Hmm, is it an american book, i tried to find it today and got nowhere fast (and as i actually work in a bookshop i found that really annoying!)

I really liked the character of Galen, at first he really irritated me, being all weird etc, bu t once you got to know him a bit he was a really appealing charater: Funny, mysterious, troubled.
I liked most of thecharacters really. Eilerson was really annoying, but you just knew that if it had carried on, he would've eventually developed a conscience or something. The doctor was the only person i didn't take to, simply because she was soo wishy-washy.

No thing i do don't do no thing but bring me more to do
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Derian:
So, for any Galen fans who haven't read it yet, go out to your bookstore and buy "Casting Shadows" then take the day off work/school/whatever and consume it.


Ha ha this makes me laugh I am going to go consume some books now

Good advise though .

I try to consume two or three a month, as part of a well balanced diet.

I can hardly wait for book 2 of the triloty. I've had it pre-ordered since about an hour after I finished reading book i.

"Expect me, when you see me."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Derian:
I try to consume two or three a month, as part of a well balanced diet.

I can hardly wait for book 2 of the triloty. I've had it pre-ordered since about an hour after I finished reading book i.


Yes I have it pre-ordered as well .

Damnit I hate waiting for somthing like this I WANT it NOW .

Well maybe in a month or so


[This message has been edited by Deviot (edited April 26, 2001).]
The weirdest thing happened to me this week.

I dreamt I was Galen. It was something about wanting to help Dureena with an important quest, but not being able to because of who I was (being a technomage etc). I remember standing on the edge of this strange beach landscape with my cloak and staff, and Dureena is standing beside me. I've just told her I can't help her and she merely nods like she understands. And then we just stand there not talking or looking at each other, but gazing out across the water.

I'm a gal and it was a very strange feeling to be seeing things through Galen's eyes. I'd always imagined I'd have some silly romantic dream where I was Dureena yadda yadda

Anyhow, it was a very moving and strange dream because it felt so real.

Dang, I have to get my hands on that technomage book and consume it!!!!


WOW! That sounds like a great dream...and as Galen. I envy you.

Definately get the book. I couldn't put it down until I was finished with it. If you have the Crusade episodes on tape, you'll gain an even greater appreciation of Galen once you're done with the book.

Enjoy and pleasant dreams.

"We are dreamers, shapers, singers and makers. We study the mysteries of laser and circuit, crystal and scanner, holographic demons and invocations of equations. These are the tools we employ, and we know many things." Elric the Techno-Mage, "Geometry of Shadows"