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G'Kar's Head



G\'Kar\'s Head

has anyone bought that head thing found at the top of every b5LR's page...

I have always been here...
Re: G\'Kar\'s Head

I hadn't even noticed that ppl were selling head on the top of the page. So, to answer your ?, no i havent bought it, and probally won't since i got muchos grandes bills. OH WELL

*said in vorlon accent* "We are all confused"
Re: G\'Kar\'s Head

I don't know about the particular head on this page, but I have seen them advertised at $165.00, in pewter I think. Personally I wouldn't know where to put it. Perhaps it could be used as a paper weight.

Re: G\'Kar\'s Head

I would be more inclined to buy the Morden version

I have always been here...
Re: G\'Kar\'s Head

Knowing how G'Kar feels about the Figurines that idiot "follower" of his made (and wanted an "endorsement" for), I'd consider the Head a risky thing to be selling.

You might find yourself being hit on Your Head with "G'Kar's Head".

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
Re: G\'Kar\'s Head

Yes, the Morden version would be fun... I'd sit around wiggling my fingers at him every now and then.

As for G'Kar's head - apart from it being far too expensive, I wouldn't know what to do with it either. I'd much rather have his body. (With the head still attached, of course.)

"It's animal magnetism. What can I say."
Re: G\'Kar\'s Head

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
Yes, the Morden version would be fun... I'd sit around wiggling my fingers at him every now and then.

Oh, come on... wiggling your own fingers??? Everyone knows that no Mordens Head is complete without a Vir's Hand (with finger wiggling mechanism)... they're like a set - one for each end of your shelf where you also keep as selection of decaying Centauri heads, Londo's Doll, Kosh's Ship, a Ranger Pin, Ivanova's other Earring and Sheridan's Babearlon 5

I have not lost my mind... it's backed up on disk somewhere!
Re: G\'Kar\'s Head

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Raia:
Oh, come on... wiggling your own fingers???<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes. I like to get some exercise every now and then.

Anyway, bakana has a good point about G'Kar's head... I wouldn't want to get smacked over *my* head with that thing (it looks heavy!!), which is why I'd prefer the real thing.

"It's animal magnetism. What can I say."
Re: G\'Kar\'s Head

I'd rather have his body attached to his head, too.

I wouldn't get that pewter head, it doesn't really look like him, I think.

We are all the sum of our tears - too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much and the best of us is washed away. - G'Kar
Re: G\'Kar\'s Head

I am glad that you all want my body attached to my head! Thank you!

"An empty eye sees through to an empty heart." --G'Kar-- "The Long Night"
Re: G\'Kar\'s Head

Yes... much better to have your head attached toyour body than someone else's body... just imagine your head on Londo's body

I have not lost my mind... it's backed up on disk somewhere!
Re: G\'Kar\'s Head

Thanks Raia... for that image... nightmares for the next five years should now be guaranteed.


"What would you say if I told you that Councilor Du'Rog had hired someone to kill me? Someone close to me?"
'Ambassador, with all due respect, if it *were* me, you wouldn't be here for us to have this conversation.'
-- G'Kar and Na'Toth, "The Parliament of Dreams"
Re: G\'Kar\'s Head

G'Kar's head on Londo's body?! Yes, nightmares will ensue. The idea of the Minbari parasitic mind slug is more tasteful than that! (smiles at Neroon)

We are all the sum of our tears - too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much and the best of us is washed away. - G'Kar
Re: G\'Kar\'s Head

A Narn with six, ewwwwwwww.

"The pink ones keep ya from screamin'." Grandpa
Re: G\'Kar\'s Head

Well, if you put it that way... perhaps not such a bad idea after all?

"What would you say if I told you that Councilor Du'Rog had hired someone to kill me? Someone close to me?"
'Ambassador, with all due respect, if it *were* me, you wouldn't be here for us to have this conversation.'
-- G'Kar and Na'Toth, "The Parliament of Dreams"
Re: G\'Kar\'s Head

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
The idea of the Minbari parasitic mind slug is more tasteful than that!

If you're referring to the creature that takes over Marcus' friend, that wasn't Minbari. It was created by a race that No Longer Exists. Some ancient victim of the Shadow Wars, 500,000 years ago.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
A race of symbiotes, the Vindrizi, has existed for half a million years. They were created as recorders, observing events all over the galaxy so that others can learn about the past when all the books and records have been swallowed by the next dark age. They survive by passing from host to host, always seeking volunteers who have nothing left to live for and want to live out their lives participating in a grand endeavor. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
Re: G\'Kar\'s Head

FYI, the Vindrizi from Exogenesis.

Sheridan: Are you trying to cheer me up?
Ivanova: No sir, wouldn't dream of it.
Sheridan: Good, I hate being cheered up. It's depressing.
Ivanova: So in that case we're all going to die horrible, painful, lingering deaths.
Sheridan: Thank you, I feel so much better now.
Re: G\'Kar\'s Head

Thanks kindly for putting that earlier situation about my head being on Londo's body in a positive light Kribu!

Just start exercising, and I'm good as new.

"An empty eye sees through to an empty heart." --G'Kar-- "The Long Night"