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G'Kar's role in TLaDiS

Re: G\'Kar\'s role in TLaDiS

Because this site has a dedicated fan-fic section I'm quite sure that JMS does not lurk here, so story ideas shouldn't be a problem, either. It is a sad commentary on our litigious society that this is even an issue but, there you have it. Too many writers have spent too much time and money in court (even winning a copyright infringement suit can cost tens of thousands of dollars) for them to ignore the problem. Marion Zimmer Bradley (if I recall correctly) lost an entire novel due to a similar problem. Someone had posted a similar story idea on a site she was known to frequent and her publisher refused to take the chance.

Even the moderated newsgroup, however, features plenty of speculation - but there are limits to speculation and distinctions between that and pure "story ideas." Projecting from known facts isn't usually a problem. I don't think anyone who guessed that the woman in Delenn's "WWE" timeflash might be Anna Sheridan had a post rejected.

On the other hand something like this can be a problem:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>On another service, someone without considering what he was saying (not his fault, it just happened) said, in essence, "What if somebody on B5 found out that he had been mind-wiped, and used to be something awful previously?"

Well, I'd had "Passing Through Gethsemane" on the wire at that time, but when I saw this, I had to scuttle the story. It lay there, untouched, for over a year, until I could finally meet the fellow and get a signed release indicating what'd happened.

If that fan had not been fair and reasonable, that episode -- which many consider one of our best -- would never have been made. -- jms<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

But like I said, this shouldn't be an issue here, since I'm almost certain that JMS isn't lurking. It becomes a problem for him when people can demonstrate that he reads or particaptes in a forum. (Because they have verifiable posts or because he comments elsewhere on things he's read here.) I know that he's aware of this site, because I've mentioned it in newsgroup posts he's responded to, and he indicated that he had heard about leaks from the set that turned up here first. (Once he wrote, "well, if you know all this, I guess *I* don't have to say anything" when I tried to get him to confirm or deny a story here - which I took as confirmation.

But I don't think he visits because he knows that, by definition, this site is going to be filled with rumor, specualtion, fanfic and lots of other stuff he needs to steer clear of.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division


[This message has been edited by Joseph DeMartino (edited July 01, 2001).]
Re: G\'Kar\'s role in TLaDiS

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Are we certain that the Drakh do not have more intense weapons like the one used on Earth to begin the "Crusade" storyline?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

According to the Centauri Trilogy the Drakh only managed to assemble two of the Death Clouds, and one was destroyed before it could be used (against Minbar, simultaneously with the attack on Earth.)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>The Drakh could easily come back as a future threat, couldn't they?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm not suggesting that we'll never see the Drakh, just that it would be implausible for them to be the main villains, and too much at odds with the story already established in the Del Rey novels and in B5. If the Rangers are constantly running into Drakh bases, fighting Drakh ships and (presumably) taking Drakh prisoners starting in 2265 it becomes hard to see how the Drakh presence on Centauri Prime can remain a secret from the Alliance until 2278.

Also, to the extent that JMS intended to let the Drakh resurface from time to time in the interim, I think he meant for that to happen in Crusade, which would have had a much closer tie to the whole issue of leftover Shadowtech and remaining Shadow servants than Rangers is likely to. I think the series will be more concerned with undoing the damage that the Shadows themselves inflicted during the course of the war, and getting the Alliance on its feet, than with any Shadow "leftovers." Of course, that's just my opinion; I could be wrong.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

Re: G\'Kar\'s role in TLaDiS

Even in Crusade the Drakh seemed a mystery to the bulk of Earth but this would probably not be so if the rangers had more than random skirmishes with them.

You can't be wrong, that screws up the religion.

By the way Joe, I peaked at some of the recent scifi threads. Besides being hil-f#$cking-larious a reminder of why I'm primarily here.

"Authorities say the phony pope can be recognized by his high-top sneakers and increadibly foul mouth." Kent Brockman
Re: G\'Kar\'s role in TLaDiS

Hey, Joe, kudos on all the info you seem to have.
What boards/groups/etc does JMS read or participate in?

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
Re: G\'Kar\'s role in TLaDiS

These days JMS's participation is pretty much limited to the moderated newsgroup (rec.arts.st.tv.babylon5.mod) It is easier for him, since it keeps him insulated from fanfic and the like, and almost every other board or group out there has members who also monitor the newsgroup, so anything he posts there gets distributed pretty quickly.

In the old days (before the 'web became all) he participated in a lot of proprietary systems like GEnie, Prodigy, Compuserve, AOL, BiX (I think) and probably others I'm not even aware of. Many of his earliest B5 posts (back before Warner Bros. had announced the deal and he could only refer to it as "That Which Cannot Be Named") were on such systems, and the show is replete with hidden references to them.

The grid coordinates of Babylon 5 are a reference to the section on one service (I think GEnie) where the original B5 discussion group was located. I think the EAS Hyperion was named after the original host site for "The Lurker's Guide." The word "lurker" for the denizens of Downbelow is itself taken from the BBS term "lurker" for folks who read but rarely (or never) post messages.

JMS used to be very active on the Compuserve B5 Forum, which is where I first encountered him, but in the past six months or so I don't think he's posted more than one message there. Even his usenet posts have dwindled, since his workload increased.

He also lurks in a few places where he doesn't post. He used to read the Sci-Fi Channel board for awhile, but had to stop when fan fiction turned up there. He only posted four or five messages there though, the first in response to a message posted by someone impersonating him - a problem that has dogged him for years, and which I also have had trouble with. (Actually JMS once came close to suing me over something an imposter had posted under my name on another board.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

Re: G\'Kar\'s role in TLaDiS

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
The grid coordinates of Babylon 5 are a reference to the section on one service (I think GEnie) where the original B5 discussion group was located.

Yes, Grid Epsilon was the original GEnie location of JMS discussions of That Which Cannot Be Named. The name of the Element Quantium 40 was the suggestion of one of the fans posting in that group. (a small contest JMS ran if I remember right. I think the guy won a t-shirt or something.

From before "The Gathering" was filmed, through the entire run of B5, JMS posted on GEnie & Compuserve almost daily. (well, 2:00AM - 3:00AM most of the time
) His presence on GEnie continued until the new owners shut the service down.

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Re: G\'Kar\'s role in TLaDiS

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>(well, 2:00AM - 3:00AM most of the time

Well, that's Eastern time. It was only 11 PM or midnight where JMS was.
I'm sure he had several hours of writing ahead of him before he had to be on the set the next day.

(Remember everybody constantly complaining about a lack of sleep during S4, and being awakened by calls in the middle of the night? I think that was JMS's subconcious trying to send him a message.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

Re: G\'Kar\'s role in TLaDiS

When I was primarily a Compuserve user I set my Forum preferences to show me when other members entered. I frequently saw JMS checking in at around 3 A.M. eastern, midnight his time. It may be that Compuserve was his first stop, and that he was hitting other sites until 3, or that it took him that long to read all the messages he had just downloaded (he used an off-line reader, at least for Compuserve.)



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

Re: G\'Kar\'s role in TLaDiS

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> well, 2:00AM - 3:00AM most of the time

Well, that's Eastern time. It was only 11 PM or midnight where JMS was. I'm sure he had several hours of writing ahead of him before he had to be on the set the next day.

No, that's my memory of what time JMS said it was when he did his posting.

Yes, I like cats too.
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