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Got My R2 Season 3 DVD

I got my Season 3 last week from Amazon.de and disc`s 2 & 4 were loose. But they played well. :D

But in "Matters of Honor", disc one got a problem.:mad:
It seems that a scene is played in slow motion. The problem lasts some seconds.

Does someone got the same problem?
I got my Season 3 last week from Amazon.de and disc`s 2 & 4 were loose. But they played well. :D

But in "Matters of Honor", disc one got a problem.:mad:
It seems that a scene is played in slow motion. The problem lasts some seconds.

Does someone got the same problem?

All discs working fine, not a single problem or whatsoever.
Received my set from Amazon.co.uk yesterday - two discs loose in the box (2 and 4), but both appear to play OK at first glance. Having said that I haven't sat and watched the full 4 episodes on each one right through yet, so I cannot say absolutely that there are no problems.

One odd thing though - on each of the episode openings that I looked at (around 6 in all) there is a brief flicker during the credit sequence in exactly the same place on each episode - just before the shadow guy appears.

Is this how they all are, or am I special?
there is a brief flicker during the credit sequence in exactly the same place on each episode - just before the shadow guy appears.

Hmm...hadn't noticed this as I always tend to skip the intro sequence. I'll have to check it out.

One thing I have noticed which sucks big time...
The very last shot of A Day in the Strife should be of the sign saying "Welcome to Babylon 5", but on the DVD version this has been cropped! :mad:
I am quite happy now ! :) i bought mine from hmv (retail) and it is good for 2 exceptions ...
1. i dont like the cd casing it looks cheap and tacky
2. there was a slight scratch on disc 4
other than that i am content . when jms told us what was goning to be on season 3 dvd he mentioned something about music tracks by c.franke or something ... where is it ?? or did they leave it off ??
One thing I have noticed which sucks big time...
The very last shot of A Day in the Strife should be of the sign saying "Welcome to Babylon 5", but on the DVD version this has been cropped! :mad:

Cropped? No it's not... I don't are you talking about R2 version or not, but I've watched that ep a couple of days ago and it says indeed in its full glory on that sign "Welcome to Babylon 5".
Well, on my copy (R2) after Londo exits screen right all I get is a shot of some background character. The sign at the top of the screen has been completely cut off. Maybe it's just a R2 thing.
I must be an R2 thing, 'cause I get the complete sign.

Why does WB seem to enjoy jerking R2 buyers around? This not the first complaint I've heard about R2 versions. In fact, this is the second one today .
Wasn't he taking about S4??

I'm pretty sure he was.

No, he was talking about season three. Maybe it got moved to season 4? (I haven't had time to watch my s3 set)

There's talk about a special musical sequence for the season 3 DVD, with Chris re-scoring 2-3 episodes end to end with non-stop music, future segments on "The Future According to Babylon 5" with NASA and JPL guys.
Here is the preview of S4 from DVDPlanet.com :
"22 Episodes; Introduction to Babylon 5 SEason 4 by series creator; 2 commentaries by series creator J. Michael Straczynski, one including director Mike Vehar; Commentary by cast members Bruce Boxleitner, Jerry Doyle, Peter Jrasik and Patricia Tallman; Celestial Sounds Featurette about series composer Chritopher Franke and the making of the series music; No Surrender, No Retreat DVD Suite, original music composed exclusively for the DVD; The Univers of Babylon5: Personnel Files, Data Files and Gag Reel; Episode Previews."
That what you meant?? Knew I'd read it somewhere!
Now that I double checked some other sources, the "special musical sequence" that JMS was referring to originally was in reference to the S3 set but either it was moved to the s4 set or JMS got his seasons mixed up. It happens. ;)