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Gravity problems

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lennier:
<font color=yellow>The galaxy will end, even the Universe will, some day.
.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
Well, that depends on which theory (extra emphasis on the word theory) you believe in.

Some say that the universe is a complete cycle. Big bang to expanding outward, then expanding inward and collapsing again, then coming full circle with another big bang (very interesting, albeit depressing)

Or there is the theory that the universe is forever expanding outwards.
Yes. The end will be either darkness or fire. But what is outside? If anything we have seen on smaller scales can be trusted, there are other universes outside of ours. Because nature seems to like smaller things inside larger things...

If you lived in a nucleus, would you know of electrons?
If you lived in an atom, would you know of molecules?
Being on Earth, would you know of other planets or suns?
Being in this Universe, would you know of others?
It obviously requires some serious searching.
But they must be there.
Hyp., true, most would. But I'm with Lennier. After a while intellegent humans would get bored. I get bored after sitting on a beach for about half an hour, then look for something more interesting. I think dolphins are inqusitive and playful, so they probably do have a few more pursuits.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joseph DeMartino:
<font color=yellow>I don't think that is a problem either. </font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Sorry about that Joe. I misunderstood what you meant in your post that i replied to. I thought you were saying that both the concept of different gravities on station and that having different parts rotate in different directions was far fetched. My bad.....

Damn't Lennier. I tried to fathom the existence of different universes, and now by brain is hemmoriging (if I spelt that right it'll be a miracle)

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