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Greatest Moment

The obvious ones have no doubt all been said, but one of my favorite moments is in "The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari," when the Zocalo goes from being real to being Londo's dream in one cut.

I love dream sequences...
There are so many I couldn't possibly pick just one.
Of course you can, and so can we all. So has JMS.

Delenn riding to the rescue in Severed Dreams. The highlight of midpoint of the whole series, and the culmination of its greatest crisis. That was, as James Burke put it, "the day the universe changed."

Favorite moments are different by poster. "Greatest moments" are designed and non-arbitrary.

Anyone who saw the show when broadcast cannot differ in this, IMO. It was absolutely the seminal moment in the series.
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Great selections of scene's and some surprising ones.

I love the lift moment with G'Kar and Londo, as outstanding. And the falling toward death scene with Lorien. And the scene where Sheridan aquares up to Kosh. And Justin's moment at Z'Ha'Dum. And the revolutionary bar scene when Garibaldi turns Sheridan in (copied in Hollywood since I notice)....

Those that haven't had a mention that I would: Virr assassinating Cartagia? The showdown at the end of the main story in "Into the Fire?"?

Certainly my most memorable B5 moment is in "The Long Twilight Struggle" is G'Kar's surrender speech. Amazed no-one has picked that out! It really made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, just like it did for Sheridan. ;)

That was the moment I knew this series could be something outstandingly special.

In fact many scenes in TLTS, like the scene setter with Londa and spliff... er, I mean Refa. The evil and trechery of the plan. You knew it was going to be a great episode and it didn't disappoint. Londo's reaction on the Valerius... after that, bring it on!

You could go on all day. I wonder if JMS has ever thought of doing a BattleStar Galatica style "The story so far" DVD 30 min summaries of the entire story?

btw, has anyone seen the series 2 trailer on the original VHS release? It was like a rave tune playing to clips of the series. It was superb. Loved the tune and the choice of clips. It's something they should've shown on TV! Great moment! :D ;)
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There are far too many to pick from to put them all in words - it would take up about a thousand pages to list all of them! So I'll list a few.

Marcus giving up his life to save Ivanova with the alien healing device. The moment when he turns to her and says he loves her just reduces me to tears every time.

The moment of Kosh's death. When it switches between Sheridan's dream and Kosh being ripped to bits by the Shadows. Kosh's death always makes me cry. Next to this, I loved the part when Kosh's ship heads towards the star with Delenn talking about its last mission. And when Lyta arrives back and wants to know what happened to Kosh - the look on her face always makes my bottom lip tremble!

There's only a few, but there are many more!
Of course you can, and so can we all. So has JMS.

Delenn riding to the rescue in Severed Dreams. The highlight of midpoint of the whole series, and the culmination of its greatest crisis. That was, as James Burke put it, "the day the universe changed."

Favorite moments are different by poster. "Greatest moments" are designed and non-arbitrary.

Anyone who saw the show when broadcast cannot differ in this, IMO. It was absolutely the seminal moment in the series.

Well, I didn't see the show when broadcast, but from my late-comer, DVD-watching perspective I would have to differ and say that the climax of Z'ha'adum was the greatest, tensest, and most breath-taking moment of all B5, and possibly all TV I've ever seen, and was indeed designed that way.
I'd have to go with Severed Dreams as well,quite simply amazing.

The atmosphere was intense,the battle gritty and the implications for the show immense.

Apart from that just about any Londo/G'Kar scene.Makes me laugh just thinking about G'Kar being Londo's bodygaurd,especially when first introduced to the Royal Court :)

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