I just found these forums and decided to join to tell you about Proxima Fleet. 
Proxima Fleet is a Babylon 5 RPG Club.
So the club is based on a PC game FreeSpace 2 total conversion, The Babylon Project.
Our main site is under construction as well as the Pilot's Manual. And other areas need more work too.
Check the forums and the manual for more info.
Proxima Fleet Forums
Pilot's Manual
If this is a wrong forum for this, please move it to right one.
Oh, and, Hello.
Proxima Fleet is a Babylon 5 RPG Club.
The Proxima Fleet is (or will be) like a club/clan, but more involved. The aim is to recreate the life of an Officer or Pilot in Earthforce. This means Squadrons & Ships, ranks, positions and career progression, it means medals and awards, a salary system, a military "way" of running things etc.
More than that, its a club for fans of Babylon 5 and The Babylon Project. Activity ranges from flying missions & campaigns, writing fiction, creating graphics, communicating with fellow members via IRC, message boards, email etc, all of which is recognised and rewarded.
To my knowledge, nothing like this has been done for Babylon 5 (unlike Star Wars, which has a lot of clubs like this), except for 303 Squadron (which is on a somewhat smaller scale).
These are still early days, with a lot of work still to be done. I'm looking for all the interest and help I can get. People with skills such as mission creation (FRED), graphics, webpages, databases etc are sorely needed. But the bulk of the club will be focused on pilots, who enjoy flying more than anything.
So the club is based on a PC game FreeSpace 2 total conversion, The Babylon Project.
Our main site is under construction as well as the Pilot's Manual. And other areas need more work too.
Check the forums and the manual for more info.
Proxima Fleet Forums
Pilot's Manual
If this is a wrong forum for this, please move it to right one.
Oh, and, Hello.