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Hello from a long winded Cap'n Dave

Hello from a long winded Cap\'n Dave

Hello everyone. I feel I must apologize for arriving a little late to the party. However don't think for a second that I and the rest of the cast haven't been lurking around for several months now. JMS told us all about this site from day one, and on behalf of the entire cast and crew, let me thank you all for your enthusiastic support and for such a beautiful and professionally run website.
I know you are all ravenous for inside info on just about anything and everything concerning LOTR and I will certainly do my best to help in that regard - Warren you're such a chicken.... By the way hello to all my friends from the cast, I know you're here somewhere (yes it was good to see you the other week Warren, thanks for the note).
I guess I should begin like everyone else and share a little of my experience with the production. I had very little knowledge of B5 walking into this and needless to say it was an eye-opening experience. I had simply known there was a sci fi series that had lasted a few years on UPN and maybe I had caught a few minutes at some point. When I started the audition process for my character I thought it was just another MOW (movie of the week) that also happened to be a back door pilot for the Sci Fi channel. In my experience that meant take the money and don't hold your breath. No that's not me being negative again Enid-Raye, it just means that I've been around a long time and had more than my fair share of disappointments. It's just part of the business that you have to learn to accept. I'll give you an example. In 1999 during a five month period I had eight network deals all fall through at the last minute - a little frustrating to say the least. My point being that when I joined this project I had no real expectations, particularly since I had no comprehension of the B5 universe and of the huge loyal fan base. What a wonderful surprise this whole venture has become! As everybody already knows, JMS is a terrific guy to work for. On top of what is always mentioned in regard to him, first and foremost, this is a man of great integrity. I think that matters to me more than anything. Recently I've had some nasty encounters with two producers (ironically Joe has also had some run-ins with these two) and I can't tell you what it means to me to be working with such high class guys as Joe and Doug Netter.
The production itself was a lot of fun and as you've read the cast really got along well. By the way if anyone wants to send Warren a gift, he's a big fan of cider, enough said...
Of course we're all anxious to see where this is going. I don't have any inside info in regard to this, only my experience with pilots and networks. On the one hand I'm very encouraged that the network has paid to have all the sets saved and stored. This was not always the plan. The sets for LOTR were originally to be torn down and discarded after production. At some point during shooting the network decided to spend the cash to have everything carefully disassembled and then stored. This obviously is a good sign and was perhaps a decision based on well received dailies and a growing "hype" within the network itself. On the other hand I will be somewhat disappointed if the network waits to see what the ratings are before a final decision is made. This is for two reasons primarily. One, I feel we had a certain momentum going and would hate to lose that within the network. Weird things happen when projects are left hanging too long. The other reason is purely selfish. I love this project, I love the people involved, I think it has a great future with Sci Fi and I don't want to lose it. However I and the rest of the cast are not under contract. This is because of a legal snafu between Warner Bros. and Sci Fi. The longer the network takes to make up their mind the more likely it is that one or more of us may be snatched up by another project, particularly with pilot season approaching at the beginning of the new year. Now I'm certainly not sending off any alarm bells here. I feel very positive that this show is going to go and that we are all going to be a part of it. Come to think of it, after viewing the movie there may be more than a few of you who would be happy to see me go! That reminds me. All of us on the cast are very aware of the high expectations and of the very large shoes we have to fill. We took this very seriously and gave 100% of ourselves to this project. You can never please everyone, but please know we did our best and I think you'll be pleased.
Well I wrote far more than I intended here and must rush off. I will do my best to answer any questions that I can.

All my best,

Re: Hello from a long winded Cap\'n Dave

Hey Dylan, thanks for poping in and for the info you gave. It was very interesting. Hope we can hear more from you in the future. And feel free to jump in on the fun we have here at B5LR. It's been a blast!

Sheridan to Bester:
And I could nail your head to the table, set fire to it, and feed your charred remains to the Pak'ma'ra.
Re: Hello from a long winded Cap\'n Dave

Hello, and welcome to the board. I look forward to seeing this movie more and more every single day. Having the actors posting on the boards is really great. Welcome to all the actors.

"I didn't think so, but if I was wrong, I was wrong. I'd rather do something, and make a mistake than be frightened and be doing nothing. That's the problem back home. Folks have been conned to thinking they can't change the world, have to accept what is. I'll tell you something my friends. The world is changing every day, the only question is who's doing it."
-- Rev. Dexter in Babylon 5:"And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place"
Re: Hello from a long winded Cap\'n Dave

Welcome and thanks for the long and interesting post!

It's always great to hear what the actors themselves think about the show and it's possible future. It must feel good to know that you are a part of something that fans so eagerly await, six months before it's even released!

"It's animal magnetism. What can I say?"
- G'Kar, A Tragedy of Telepaths
Re: Hello from a long winded Cap\'n Dave


Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. To me, your post sounded more realistic than pessimistic in tone. It was interesting to learn that the sets have been stored not destroyed.

Posters have already asked Warren and Myriam about their current projects. Maybe you could tell us what you are doing?


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in a confederacy against him.
-Jonathan Swift

[This message has been edited by Frizzell (edited August 02, 2001).]
Re: Hello from a long winded Cap\'n Dave

Thank you for sharing your time with us!

I know all of us wish you and the rest of the cast/crew a very successful movie -- as well as an extremely long and healthy series.

Thanks again!

"What's up, Drakh?"

Michael Garibaldi
Re: Hello from a long winded Cap\'n Dave

Well, that is our Captain for you! Captain David Martel! I feel alittle more comfortable now that Dylan Neal has broken his silence and joined the message boards! I feel that I have alittle more courage to answer some (SOME) questions more freely!

Dylan is definitely the Captain as he is in real life! I found it so fascinating how similiar each actor's true essence was in relation to their own character's role on "Legend of the Rangers". Second thoughts on Enid-Raye Adams...she is quite different from the conservative Minbari, "Firell", which she admits...and this really exhibits her talent as an actress...and from some of those photos on her website...Well, they speak for themselves!
The first time that us cast members hungout for dinner and drinks (cider for me) was where we all revealed the intriguing true qualities that we filtered into our roles, but were playing them out in the "Real World" so to speak! Obviously, that is what "JMS" picked up on, and cast us based on those energies we exuded as we walked in the audition room door!

Once again, I also have to stress my regards to the execeptional head production personnel as per Dylan's comments! J.Michael Straczynski, Douglas Netter and or course, the director, Mike Vejar! Excellence breeds excellence!

Regarding Dylan's comment on "...You will be happy for me to go"...I am not sure if I read that properly, but that is ridiculous if that is what you meant! Firstly, there is only one Captain for "Legend of the Rangers" and that is Dylan Neal...
I agree about the comment that Dylan made regarding some of the cast booking other TV series-regular roles and not being available for "Legend's" when it goes! That is very possible! Things will not be the same if some of the cast members don't return due to other commitments! Yes, the busy pilot season is coming near...and I am even thinking of heading off to Los Angeles to give it a shot! So the longer the wait takes regarding "Legend's" fate as a series, the possibilities of other "new endeavors" will appear even greater for the cast of "B5LR"...

And since Dylan Neal probably works alot more regular in the business than most of us cast members, there is a great chance that another project will scoop him up and we might lose him as Captain David Martel, and that will be just plain ludicrous!
When you fans watch the show, you will know what I mean! The principal character's that play in "To Live and Die in Starlight" are the one and only crew members of the "Liandra"...and I just can't see it any other way! -Warren T.Takeuchi- "Kitaro"

Re: Hello from a long winded Cap\'n Dave


I've got a question, and I don't think it's spoiler-related.

"Martel" is one of the big names in European history. Charles "the Hammer" Martel was a great military hero (to the Europeans, at least), and the grandfather of Charlemagne.

Is the name just a coincidence?
Or is it actually in trubute to the Cognac?

"What's up, Drakh?"

Michael Garibaldi
Re: Hello from a long winded Cap\'n Dave

Welcome aboard, Captain! I wonder if we could get the whole main cast here? Seems we're about half-way there already!

You guys make me think we should start a letter-writing campaign already. I just assumed letters about "Rangers" to the sci-fi channel would be pretty much wasted time until the movie actually airs.

Should we get started now, though? Your comments make me think so.

(hypatia looks for her "Save Crusade" disk. Easy enough to start letter writing, I have Bonnie Hammer's address already!)

"I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense,
reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."-- Galileo
Re: Hello from a long winded Cap\'n Dave

Dylan and Warren -- Woo, you guys (and the whole cast) are going to be very interesting to watch, so cagey...
Thanks for the long and interesting posts.

So, have you taken the time to view B5 seasons 2-4 so you know why we're so hopelessly and forever into B5? If not, I envy you. You're in for a big treat.

Re: Hello from a long winded Cap\'n Dave

Welcome Captain!

What a love-fest! LOL!
I think Warren's bucking to be your "Number One"!

Seriously, as fans of B5, we know as much about pessimism vs realism as you do. Cautious optimism is advised.

"Rangers" has been a bright spot in a string of B5-related disappointments over the past two years:

The short-lived and uneven series "Crusade" was cancelled from the start (and it's sets were carefully taken down and stored, btw), letter writing campaigns to revive it failed; the B5 combat simulator game "Into the Fire" was cancelled at about 90% complete, letter writing campaigns to revive it failed; and finally a group of programmers attempted to buy the rights and complete the game. They too failed.

So prior to this project, B5 was getting the downright depressing feeling of an old forgotten theatre closing it's doors for good. Now you fine folks will breathe life into it again, God (or Bonnie Hammer) willing.

You're right too about filling big shoes. B5 set the bar so high that it sometimes couldn't live up to it's own reputation (that would be Season 5), but we'll do our best to view it as something new and not get too hung up with comparisons.

Good luck and thanks for stopping in!

"Draal gave Zathras list of things not to say. This was one. No, not good. Not supposed to mention 'one'... or 'THE one'... Mmmm. You never heard that."
Re: Hello from a long winded Cap\'n Dave

"... I had very little knowledge of B5 walking into this and needless to say it was an eye-opening experience."

So, what you're saying is, we may in fact know more about Babylon 5 than YOU do.

Tyler Durden: How's that working out for you?
Narrator: What?
Tyler Durden: Being clever.
Narrator: Great.
Tyler Durden: Keep it up, then.
Re: Hello from a long winded Cap\'n Dave

Welcome to the madness.

I can live with long-winded. B5 fans are famous for being long-winded.

"Personal journal, Captain Matthew Gideon, continue. It's now three days since our visitors arrived on behalf of Earthgov's Political Affairs Office. There is apparently some concern with how our work here is being perceived back home. They've been assigned to "help" us. Before their tour is finished, I may have to kill them. Assuming, Lt. Matheson doesn't beat me to it."
Re: Hello from a long winded Cap\'n Dave

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>B5 fans are famous for being long-winded.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Are not.


Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

Re: Hello from a long winded Cap\'n Dave

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Are not. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Don't listen to him. Joe's posts are, on average, about 2 pages in length, and contain twice the amount of info that you would ever learn in a college history class.

Heck, I've probably learned more from Joe here than my last semester at the university. Which, by the way, is a compliment.

Sheridan: Are you trying to cheer me up?
Ivanova: No sir, wouldn't dream of it.
Sheridan: Good, I hate being cheered up. It's depressing.
Ivanova: So in that case we're all going to die horrible, painful, lingering deaths.
Sheridan: Thank you, I feel so much better now.
Re: Hello from a long winded Cap\'n Dave

Does this mean we are going to have to start taking quizzes? (Trust a college math teacher to ask that question!)

"I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense,
reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."-- Galileo
Re: Hello from a long winded Cap\'n Dave

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Does this mean we are going to have to start taking quizzes? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Sheridan: Are you trying to cheer me up?
Ivanova: No sir, wouldn't dream of it.
Sheridan: Good, I hate being cheered up. It's depressing.
Ivanova: So in that case we're all going to die horrible, painful, lingering deaths.
Sheridan: Thank you, I feel so much better now.
Re: Hello from a long winded Cap\'n Dave

Where are the pass/fail forms??

"Personal journal, Captain Matthew Gideon, continue. It's now three days since our visitors arrived on behalf of Earthgov's Political Affairs Office. There is apparently some concern with how our work here is being perceived back home. They've been assigned to "help" us. Before their tour is finished, I may have to kill them. Assuming, Lt. Matheson doesn't beat me to it."
Re: Hello from a long winded Cap\'n Dave

Great to see so many production people around the boards! I can only repeat what Dylan has said about Joe and Doug. They're the best! I know this is going to be a great show, I can't wait to see it once it's all wrapped up and on the air.

Alec McClymont, 3D Artist
3D Artist - GVFX

We live for the one. We die for the one.
Re: Hello from a long winded Cap\'n Dave

Ack! Vorlon answers! *ducks*

I haven't been around the board for that long, but I'm long-winded as all get-out.

I'd love to talk to JMS for just three minutes. Mostly on how he gets those monologues to work dramatically in a medium where most people can't stay for more than three seconds on one scene. I wrote a film once that tried something like that and failed miserably; just as well it was just for a class and nobody really saw the darn thing. I'm more of a technical writer...

Slade, can you tell us somewhat about the development of the show's CGI - how much of it comes from the artists, and how much is directed by the director? How long does it take to render an object? I remember long sessions waiting... and waiting... and waiting... for things to render on our Media 100.

Channe, Freelance Writer Extraordinaire and The Next JMS
B5 Synchroninity of the Day: I just found out that the new dorm I'm living in next year has been named Breen Hall.